[NFBV-Alexandria] Chapter elections

Brian Miller brianrmiller88 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 9 01:29:04 UTC 2019

Dear chapter members,


Once again it is the season of elections for the Greater Alexandria Chapter
of the NFB of Virginia. 


We will hold our election at the next scheduled chapter meeting on Thursday,
May 2. I will send out a save the date notice with more information about
the meeting shortly. 


If you are interested in serving as a chapter officer or board member,
please contact Bonnie O'day, chair of the nominating committee by the end of
the day on April 15. 


Bonnie can be reached as follows: 


Mobile phone: 703-965-2501

Email: bonnoday at gmail.com <mailto:bonnoday at gmail.com> 


Bonnie and her committee will put together a slate of officers and board
members to recommend to the chapter. The slate will be shared with the
chapter prior to the meeting on May 2. Any current members, whose dues are
paid, may run for office from the floor on the day of the election if they


Please note that only members of the chapter who have paid their dues of $5
for 2019 will be allowed to vote in the elections. Dues may be paid by
current members at the chapter meeting on May 2. Only members of the chapter
who joined prior to May 2, 2019, may vote in the election. 


Thank you for your attention to this important matter. 


Brian Miller


Alexandria, NFB




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