[NFBV-Alexandria] [EXTERNAL] FW: Reminder: Give Input on Alexandria Transit Vision Plan, Future Changes to Bus Network
Valdez, Evelyn
Evelyn.Valdez at va.gov
Thu Mar 7 15:11:39 UTC 2019
Thank you so very much, Bob for your efforts...Susie Q and I will be attending the meeting at the Nannie Lee Center tonight.
From: NFBV-Alexandria <nfbv-alexandria-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Brian Miller
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2019 10:08 PM
To: nfbv-alexandria at nfbnet.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [NFBV-Alexandria] FW: Reminder: Give Input on Alexandria Transit Vision Plan, Future Changes to Bus Network
Chapter members,
Please see Bob Hart's important message below about how we can respond to the bus route survey until the survey is made accessible online. I strongly encourage all of us to complete this survey and send it in as Bob suggests.
Brian Miller
Alexandria, NFB
From: Robert Hartt <bobmhartt at gmail.com<mailto:bobmhartt at gmail.com>>
Sent: Wednesday, March 6, 2019 3:00 PM
To: brianrmiller88 at gmail.com<mailto:brianrmiller88 at gmail.com>
Subject: Reminder: Give Input on Alexandria Transit Vision Plan, Future Changes to Bus Network
As you know, The electronic survey being used to gather citizen feedback about plans to change the entire bus route system in Alexandria is not accessible, and I have been working with city staff to provide an accessible option. Attached is an accessible PDF they have just created. It is like the one that will be used at public meetings the city is hosting. I suggest you forward this to our members and urge them to 1, save it to their computers, 2, fill it out, which can be done by using the tab key and then pressing the spacebar to check items, and 3, email it as an attachment to the city staff point of contact, Steve Sindiong. His email address is:
steve.sindiong at alexandriava.gov<mailto:steve.sindiong at alexandriava.gov>
If desired, a print copy of the completed survey can also be mailed to:
Steve Sindiong, 301 King Street, Suite 4100, Alexandria, VA 22314.
In order to demonstrate not only our interest in an improved bus system, but also the critical importance of making sure all communication about it is accessible to us as key users, I urge all our chapter members to complete this survey and send it in.
Note that this very short three question survey is only asking for feedback on two general concepts that are described for different route systems. To get more detail on the streets where buses would most likely run under each concept, our members could attend one of the public workshops being held tonight and tomorrow night. The time and locations for these two workshops are shown in the email below. Alternatively, the city staff has indicated they would be happy to schedule a time to meet with our chapter, as well as other community groups, if you wish to consider that for an upcoming chapter meeting. In addition, there is a reasonable accommodation point of contact on the city's Transportation and Environmental Services web page, and a link to that page is included at the end of the email below.
After putting so much energy into making sure we are not forgotten and the city provides an accessible survey, I hope that you and all chapter members will take a few minutes to complete the attached survey, including the comment section it provides. Attending one of the workshops tonight, tomorrow or possibly in the early Summer and/or contacting the reasonable accommodation person to let them know we should not be forgotten would also be very helpful.
I would be happy to answer any questions from our members.
From: Alexandria eNews [mailto:noreply at everbridge.net]
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2019 1:05 PM
To: bobmhartt at gmail.com<mailto:bobmhartt at gmail.com>
Subject: Reminder: Give Input on Alexandria Transit Vision Plan, Future Changes to Bus Network
Over the last year, the City of Alexandria, DASH and other regional transit partners have developed two different bus network concepts as part of the Alexandria Transit Vision<https://www.alexandriava.gov/tes/default.aspx?id=104193> (ATV) Plan. The public is invited to provide feedback on the bus network concepts this winter through a variety of engagement activities. The purpose of the ATV Plan, which began in 2018, is to redraw the city's bus network to better serve current and future transit demand, and to better reflect community priorities for transit service.
The ATV Plan involves three rounds of civic engagement to ensure that the concerns and ideas of the Alexandria community are heard, recognized and incorporated into the development of a future transit network. The first engagement round was conducted in fall 2018 to define community transit priorities. The second round is being held this winter to receive input on the transit network concepts. Based on the input, final recommendations will be made later this spring and will be brought back to the public through a third engagement round in early summer.
How to Get Involved
The following are civic engagement opportunities that will be used to gain feedback regarding the transit network concepts.
* Online Metroquest Survey<https://atv.metroquest.com/> (English and Spanish)
* 10-12 "pop-up" events at various community events and transit stations in February and March
* Three public workshops focusing on the transit network concepts (content repeated at each workshop):
* Tuesday, March 5, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.<https://apps.alexandriava.gov/Calendar/Detail.aspx?si=23801>
Hammond Middle School Library
14646 Seminary Road
* Wednesday, March 6, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.<https://apps.alexandriava.gov/Calendar/Detail.aspx?si=23803>
Armstrong Recreation Center (Formerly Cora Kelly Rec Center)
25 West Reed Avenue
* Thursday, March 7, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.<https://apps.alexandriava.gov/Calendar/Detail.aspx?si=23802>
Nannie J. Lee Center
1108 Jefferson Street
More information on the ATV Plan, network concepts, public workshops, pop-up events and the Metroquest Survey can be found online at alexandriava.gov/104193<https://www.alexandriava.gov/104193>.
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