[NFBV-Alexandria] Chapter member support needed for petition to make city of Alexandria street safer

Valdez, Evelyn Evelyn.Valdez at va.gov
Wed May 15 14:41:21 UTC 2019

Good morning All,
Please see the message below,  which is from Jim Durham, Chairman of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, asks us to sign onto an electronic petition in support of the safest option that follows Federal Highway Administration best practices for upgrades to Seminary Road.  We need to show our support, as there is another petition being circulated by those who want to maintain four lanes of traffic with less effective accommodations for pedestrians and cyclists.  This is time sensitive, because the petition will be presented to Alexandria City Council when they meet this Saturday.
I hope all our members will click on the link at the end of the message below to sign on to the most pedestrian friendly approach recommended by the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, of which Bob hart  is a  member, and another pedestrian friendly group called Alexandrians for Safe Streets.
If anyone has questions, they are welcome to email Bob hartt or call him at 703-845-3436.
Thank you,
Bob Hartt
Message From Jim Durham, Chairman, Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee:
The City of Alexandria is at a crossroads: City policies require providing safe accommodations for all road users, particularly for people who walk and bike. The safest option for Seminary Road provides a Road Diet with center left turn lanes for drivers, pedestrian refuge islands for people who walk, and bike lanes for people who bike.
Driving advocates oppose those changes and insist on maintaining four motor vehicle lanes, rather than risk at most a 10 to 20 second delay in the peak 15 minutes of rush-hour traffic. Sign this petition for a road diet on Seminary Road to let Alexandria officials know that residents support safe streets for everyone.
Right now, the City of Alexandria is facing a critical decision: build a safer street that’s required by its own policies, or don’t, because driving advocates are complaining about it. Help the city make the right decision by signing this petition:
Sign the petition<https://wordpress.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=f217fc4116e11c8aef143de4a&id=1ad4840b43&e=7352e6a80c>

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