[Nfbv-announce] FW: Braille.org E-newsletter, Issue6

Fredric Schroeder fschroeder at sks.com
Tue Feb 17 15:05:00 UTC 2009



From: Braille Literacy Team [mailto:emakowske at nfb.org] 
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 2:06 PM
To: fschroeder at sks.com
Subject: Braille.org E-newsletter, Issue6

 Braille coin and Braille Readers are Leaders banner


Marc Maurer
President, National Federation of the Blind
Braille Reader

Terry Bradshaw
Hall of Fame Quarterback

Michael Hingson
Motivational Speaker
Braille Reader

Dr. Abraham Nemeth
Professor Emeritus
Inventor of the Nemeth Code
Braille Reader

The Honorable Pat Schroeder
Executive Director, Association of American Publishers
Former Member of Congress

Dr. Geerat Vermeij
Professor of Geology, University of California at Davis
Braille Reader

<http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=Y4GBxmGzo2M3njdYRuhGgA..> this
message as HTML in your browser 

February 16, 2009, Issue #6


A Note from Dr. Fred Schroeder

The National Federation of the Blind is an organization of action. With the
multitude of skills our members and allies possess and the dedication we all
share to help one another achieve first-class status, we know we have the
power to direct our own future along the path we choose. This has been the
case throughout our history, and it will be the case for our Braille Readers
are Leaders initiative.

On March 26 the Louis Braille Bicentennial Commemorative Coin will be
released to the public, marking an historic victory for the blind and
Braille literacy. Never before has so much attention been paid to the
Braille literacy crisis in the United States, and it is because of the
efforts of the National Federation of the Blind that people are now taking
notice. Our work is just beginning, however.

As we stand on the brink of sweeping change, we must decide how each of us
will be a part of this momentous occasion. Perhaps you are a writer who can
submit an article to a local magazine or newspaper about the importance of
Braille. We welcome your efforts. Perhaps you are an engaging speaker who
could make an impact by speaking with members of the public about our
literacy crisis. We welcome your efforts. Perhaps you are neither of these
and prefer instead to work with individuals on a smaller scale. We welcome
your efforts. Regardless of our talents, I am confident that each of us can
help in some way.

No tool is more crucial to participation in society than literacy, and we
must have that tool in order to obtain our independence. We are prepared to
strive diligently for it, and we will not flinch at the work we must
accomplish, for through our efforts and those of our allies, we will change
the future for blind people across the nation and the world.



Learn More and Get Involved 

To learn more about the importance of the Louis Braille Commemorative coin,
watch the new video, Change
<http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=fBhe6galdj19qaa8Jq89jw..> with
a Dollar.

Don't miss your chance to be a part of history! Register
<http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=8U8lTCHb6XxGzgxX1ZvFiQ..> now
to secure your spot at the 2009 Louis Braille Commemorative coin launch
event. The event, to be held at the Jernigan Institute in Baltimore,
Maryland, will begin at 10:00 a.m. and will last until approximately 1:00
p.m. There will be activities for all ages, and the first opportunity to
purchase the Louis Braille Coin will be available exclusively to those in

What Does Braille Mean to You?
Learn how you can help us teach the public about the vitality of Braille and
demonstrate the dynamic tool for independence that Louis Braille created. 

The Onyko Braille essay contest
<http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=9GydaiIoagQS_GS99vFElA..>  is
being administered by the National Federation of the Blind on behalf of the
North America-Caribbean Region of the World Blind Union. Essays must be
written by contest participants, in English or their native language, in
Braille, and must be completely original in nature. Entries should be no
fewer than eight hundred words and no more than one thousand words in
length. There will be two groups of competitors-one Junior Group, aged 25
and under; and one Senior group, aged 26 and up-and prizes range from

Music is important to all people. There is a new Braille music video called
<http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=3JmjzDuWKRhKmf7wQxifdg..> for
Measure: Achieving Equality Through Braille Music Literacy that explains how
Braille is utilized to allow blind people compose and perform music.



New! Braille Mail: Braille stories and activities sent in by our
e-newsletter subscribers 

Learning Braille is fun! Here's a great example:

Cut Necco Candy Buttons (or similar candy in dots on strips of paper) into
cells of six. The child can remove dots (and eat the candy) and make letters
by the dots that remain. 

For more information about Braille activities, please visit the new Braille
Activities page.



How You Can Help the Braille Readers are Leaders Campaign

As always, please encourage people to join this campaign list. This campaign
is an excellent vehicle for us to build our list of individuals who want to
learn more about Braille, want to help with Braille literacy, or are
interested in buying coins. Every new subscriber is another opportunity for
us to share our message, a message that carries with it the hopes and dreams
of a future filled with equality and opportunity for every blind American.
Cut and paste this link to join the NFB-Braille Commemorative Coin and
Literacy Campaign: http://tinyurl.com/6jdajq
<http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=Z78Udi88OykpwZ6yKnMHQw..> . 

Follow the Braille Literacy Campaign on Twitter
<http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=exWFJSw71jiR7Gz6Q1YsIA..> .
Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co-workers to communicate
through e-mail and texting quick frequent answers to one question: "What are
you doing?" Now, when you are asked, "What are you doing?" you can answer,
"Making Braille literacy a reality for all blind people!"  






 Photo: Blind girl reading Braille










 Jim Portill assists Tim Kelly on a Braillewriter











 Photo: Blind girl reading











 A child reading a Braille book

 NFB Braille Readers are Leaders logo

Braille.org                                                        Visit the
U.S. Mint

National Federation of the Blind
1800 Johnson Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21230
410-659-9314 * Fax 410-659-5129

<http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=NiQcqTWwBwrCBrPYSBtbUg..> this

TRZ&cid=1101> your email preferences 

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