[Nfbv-announce] August 14 Board Meeting Agenda

Fredric Schroeder fschroeder at sks.com
Tue Aug 3 13:33:35 UTC 2010

National Federation of the Blind of Virginia
Meeting of the Board of Directors
August 14, 2010
11:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.

I--Call to Order

A. Invocation;
B. Roll Call and Introduction of Guests

II--Secretary's Report, Stewart Prost

Approval of Minutes from May 8, 2010 Meeting of the NFBV Board of Directors.

III--Treasurer's Report, Mark Roane

IV--Report on 2010 National Convention

A. National Scholarship Winners (C. J. Fish and Chelsea Cook);
B. McDonald Fellowship Winners, Tracy Soforenko;
C. Parent Leadership Participants, Sandy Halverson;
D. Fundraising at National Convention, Mary Durbin.

V--NFBV 2010 State Convention, Michael Kasey and Joe Hobson

A. Dates and Location;
B. National Representative (Scott LaBarre, President, NFB of Colorado);
C. Ideas for Agenda Topics (including Friday Seminar);
i. Sponsorship Levels and Benefits
ii. Parent/Student Youth Track, Tracy Soforenko
iii. Sports and Recreation
iv. Parent Braille Seminar
v. Technology Seminar including NLS Digital talking books, podcasts,
newsline, audible and other services
vi. Federal Employment Seminar
vii. Financial Management Technology for Blind People
E. Location of 2011 Virginia Convention, Michael Kasey.

VI-2010 BELL Program, Sandy Halverson

VII--Update on Braille Certification, Michael Kasey

VIII--Virginia Quiet Cars Website, John Bailey

IX--Division Reports 

A.	Deaf-Blind Division, Valerie Luther;
B.	Diabetics Division, Bill Parker;
C. Virginia Association of Blind Merchants, John Jones;
D. Virginia Association of Blind Students, Corbb O'Connor;
E. Virginia Association to Promote the use of Braille, Sandy Halverson;
F. Virginia Organization of Parents of Blind Children, Andi Borum.

X--Committee Updates:

A. Membership Committee, John Bailey;
B. Scholarship Committee, Corbb O'Connor;
C. Fund Raising
i. Peanut sales, Mary Durbin;
ii. NFBV Cruise and raffle, Tracy Soforenko
D. Meet the Blind Month Activities (Chairperson Needed) 

XI--Other Business.

Blind Driver Challenge, Mark Roane.

XII--Date and Location of Next Meeting.

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