[Nfbv-announce] Federal Hiring Event for People with Disabilities

Fredric Schroeder fschroeder at sks.com
Tue Mar 9 16:24:57 UTC 2010



From: Cervenka, Stacy (Brownback)
[mailto:Stacy_Cervenka at brownback.senate.gov] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2010 11:10 AM
To: 'Fredric Schroeder'; 'Romeo Edmead'; AZNOR99 at aol.com; Jason Ewell; Jesse
Hartle; Jessica Bachicha; Joanne Wilson; Mark Riccobono; Mary Jo Hartle;
Rosy Carranza
Subject: Federal Hiring Event for People with Disabilities


Hey, everyone!


If you are interested in being considered for any federal jobs at the
Federal Hiring Event for People with Disabilities, email your resumee and
Schedule A letter to  <mailto:Hiringevent at opm.gov> Hiringevent at opm.gov. If
you don't have a Schedule A letter yet, just email your resumee and you can
email them your Schedule A letter later or bring it with you to the event. 


Employers will review your resumee and they will contact you if they are
interested in interviewing you for a position on the day of the Hiring


This is cracking up to be an amazing opportunity! Send in your resumee
today!!!!!!!! Please spread the word!




Stacy Leigh Cervenka

Legislative Assistant

Office of Senator Sam Brownback (KS)

303 Hart Senate Office Building

Phone: (202) 224-6521

Email: stacy_cervenka at brownback.senate.gov 


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