[Nfbv-announce] NABS Needs Your Help: Pennies for Pages Starts November 1

Fredric Schroeder fschroeder at sks.com
Mon Nov 1 15:18:58 UTC 2010

From: "Sean Whalen" <smwhalenpsp at gmail.com

Dear NFB Affiliate Presidents,

I am writing to announce and solicit your participation in an 
fundraising effort that the National Association of Blind 
Students is
currently undertaking.  The fundraiser is our second annual 
Pennies for
Pages, and is being run in conjunction with the NFB's Braille 
Readers are
Leaders contest.  We believe that this fundraiser has a lot of 
However, in order to realize this potential, we need help from 
all of you!

The idea is this.  Students, or anybody else who is interested in 
helping to
raise money for Braille literacy and our national and state 
divisions, can sign up to participate in the Braille Readers are 
K-12 or adult program and then solicit donations from friends, 
family, or
anybody really, for Braille pages read throughout the duration of 
contest, which runs from November 1 through January 4.  Of 
course, donations
of fixed sums are also gratefully accepted.

Anything you can do to help us publicize, and recruit 
participants for, this
effort would be greatly appreciated, and there are plenty of ways 
in which
you can be helpful! You could circulate the attached announcement 
to your
state announcements and chapter presidents lists.  You could help 
us to
identify blind students, or others, in your state who might wish 
to read and
solicit pledges or sponsor a reader.  Last year, some affiliates 
and chapters
even recruited, and pledged money to support, readers in their 

You will find attached a document detailing how to sign up for 
and take part
in Pennies for Pages as either a reader or sponsor.  Please feel 
free to
distribute it to anybody who might be interested, and, should you 
have any
questions, suggestions, or ideas for how we might work 
collaboratively to
ensure the success of this fundraising effort, please contact 
Sean Whalen at
either 608 332-4147 or smwhalenpsp at gmail.com.

Any money we raise through Pennies for Pages will be shared, in 
portions, between NABS, the National Association to Promote the 
Use of
Braille, and the state student divisions (or affiliates) in which 
readers reside.

NABS looks forward to working together with all of you to raise 
money for,
and promote awareness of, Braille literacy!


Sean Whalen

2nd Vice President, National Association of Blind Students

608 332-4147

smwhalenpsp at gmail.com

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