[Nfbv-announce] The Center for Sleep & Wake Disorders

Fredric Schroeder fschroeder at sks.com
Wed Apr 20 10:51:11 UTC 2011

The following is a letter from Kelly Lichty of the , Center for Sleep & Wake
Disorders to Tracy Soforenko, President,, PCNFB concerning an important


Hi Mr. Soferenko, 


Thank you very much for letting me speak the other day.  Also, if you know
how to further reach prospective participants, I would greatly appreciate to
hear any suggestions.  


I wanted to give you my contact information for the research study.  We are
looking for participants at least 18 years of age, who are blind with no
light perception, and also have sleep problems and/or daytime sleepiness.
The phone number at our office is 301-654-5665 x2 and our email address is
research at sleepdoc.com. 


There is also a number to call for a survey.  The number is 1-877-708-1936.


Thank you again! 


All the best, 

Kelly Lichty

Clinical Research Coordinator

The Center for Sleep & Wake Disorders

5454 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1725

Chevy Chase, MD 20815

 <mailto:kelly at sleepdoc.com> kelly at sleepdoc.com 

P: 301-654-5665 x2

F: 301-654-5658

ATTENTION:  Care at Helene A. Emsellem, MD, PC & The Center for Sleep & Wake
Disorders is done in compliance with HIPAA regulations,  <blocked::>
http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/hipaa/.  All prescription requests should be emailed
to  <blocked::> prescriptions at sleepdoc.com.  It is impossible for us to
honor requests sent to other mailboxes.  This message is intended only for
the recipient and may contain confidential information.  If you are not the
intended recipient please contact the sender.



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