[Nfbv-announce] National Certification in Literary Braille NCLB

Fredric Schroeder fschroeder at sks.com
Mon Feb 28 19:14:53 UTC 2011

>From Edward Bell:




Please help us to promote these following upcoming test dates for the NCLB
in your state and agencies. 

Please note the upcoming test dates for National Certification in Literary
Braille (NCLB)

Ø      Saturday, March 26, Blind Industries and Services of Maryland,

Ø      Saturday April 9th, Virginia Services for the Blind and Visually
Impaired, Richmond, Virginia

Ø      Saturday April 23rd, Iowa Department for the Blind, 524 Fourth
Street, Des Moines, Iowa

Ø      Friday April 29th, Louisiana Tech University Woodard Hall, Ruston,

Ø      Friday May 20th, Louisiana Tech University Woodard Hall, Ruston,

Ø      Saturday June 4th, Virginia Services for the Blind and Visually
Impaired, Richmond, Virginia

Ø      Friday June 17th, Louisiana Tech University Woodard Hall, Ruston,

Ø      Monday & Thursday Afternoons, July 4th & 5th, Rosen Shingle Creek
9939 Universal Boulevard, Orlando, Florida


Please go to our Website,  <http://www.nbpcb.org/nclb> www.nbpcb.org/nclb to
find out more information and to register for any of the above test dates.
You may also contact Deja Powell at dpowell at latech.edu or at 318.257.2029 if
you have any questions or would like to host a test in your area.



Edward C. Bell, Ph.D., CRC, NOMC
Director, Professional Development and Research
Institute on Blindness
Louisiana Tech University
210 Woodard Hall
PO Box 3158
Ruston LA  71272
Office: 318.257.4554 
Fax: 318.257.2259 (Fax)
Skype: edwardbell2010
ebell at latech.edu
"I am somehow less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's
brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and
died in cotton fields and sweatshops." 
-- Stephen Jay Gould 

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