[Nfbv-announce] Volunteers needed at state convention

joe hobson joehobson at comcast.net
Thu Oct 13 13:17:04 UTC 2011

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Corbbmacc O'Connor" <corbbo at gmail.com>
To: <nfbv-announce at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Sunday, October 09, 2011 1:24 PM
Subject: [Nfbv-announce] Volunteers needed at state convention

> Good afternoon fellow Virginians!
> I am very excited to see you at this year's upcoming state convention in 
> Virginia Beach. To help us stay in touch with everybody who attends 
> convention this year, I am pioneering a new (and stress-free) initiative. 
> For this to work, I need your help.
> At each general session, we will have a table in the back of the room 
> where people can submit their contact information to us. We will then add 
> these folks to the NFBV-announce e-mail list, and encourage the nearest 
> chapter president to get in touch with them...some of whom may not be 
> regulars at our meetings and events. This is in response to many people 
> last year asking how to keep in touch with the NFBV. While some of us 
> individually took names and phone numbers down, inevitably the contact 
> info for some people who could use the NFBV's help and philosophy was 
> lost.
> For this to succeed, I am asking everyone to please consider volunteering 
> at our Contact Table. Please review the following shifts and get back to 
> me with your availability. I am looking for 2 people per shift. And, as a 
> bonus, you can still attend, listen, and participate in the auction and 
> presentations!
> 9:00-10:15
> 10:15-11:30
> 9:00-10:30
> 10:30-12:00
> 2:00-3:00
> 3:00-4:00
> 4:00-5:00
> SATURDAY BANQUET (bring your plate if you're still eating!)
> 8:00-9:00 (during banquet, after dessert has been served)
> 9:00-10:00 (until the banquet ends)
> 9:00-10:00
> 10:00-11:00
> 11:00-12:00
> You may call me at 202-684-6130 with your availability or (preferably) 
> e-mail me at corbbo at gmail.com.
> Thanks in advance for helping make this year's convention a success,
> Corbb O'Connor
> ---
> Corbbmacc O'Connor
> corbbo at gmail.com // (202) 684-6130
> _______________________________________________
> Nfbv-announce mailing list
> Nfbv-announce at nfbnet.org
> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/nfbv-announce_nfbnet.org 

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