[Nfbv-announce] August 25 Virginia Board Meeting Agenda

Fredric Schroeder fschroeder at sks.com
Sat Aug 18 14:47:16 UTC 2012

National Federation of the Blind of Virginia

Meeting of the Board of Directors

August 25, 2012

2:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M.



I--Call to Order


A. Invocation;

B. Moment of Silence for Gwen Beavers 

C. Roll Call and Introduction of Guests


II--Secretary's Report, Stewart Prost


Approval of Minutes from May 5, 2012 Meeting of the NFBV Board of Directors.


III--Treasurer's Report, Mark Roane


IV--Report on 2012 National Convention


A. McDonald Fellowship and Jernigan Fund Winners, Tracy Soforenko;

B. Parent Leadership Participants, Sandy Halverson;

C. Fundraising at National Convention, Mary Durbin.


V--NFBV 2012 State Convention


A. Dates and Location;

B. National Representative (Ever Lee Hairston);

C. Ideas for Agenda Topics);

D. Student Youth Track, Tracy Soforenko.


VI-2013 State Convention


VII--2012 BELL Program, Sandy Halverson


VIII--Division Reports 


A.	Deaf-Blind Division, Valerie Luther;
B.	Diabetics Division,, Patricia Droppers;

C. Virginia Association of Blind Merchants, John Jones;

D. Virginia Association of Blind Students;

E. Virginia Association to Promote the use of Braille, Sandy Halverson;

F. Virginia Organization of Parents of Blind Children, Zina Lewis.


IX--Committee Updates:


A. Membership Committee, Briley Pollard;

B. Scholarship Committee, Jennifer Kennedy;

C. Fund Raising, Mary Durbin;

D. Meet the Blind Month Activities, Althea Pittman;

E. NFBV Website, Brian McCann;

F. Newsline, John Halverson.


X--Other Business.


XI--Date and Location of Next Meeting. 


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