[Nfbv-announce] Calling Federationists to Assist in the Independence Market at the 2014 NFB Convention

Fredric Schroeder via Nfbv-announce nfbv-announce at nfbnet.org
Fri May 23 16:46:31 UTC 2014

Federation leaders,


The following note from Mrs. Maurer needs your attention. When a
Federationist calls, we answer. Please consider this note and what you can
do to help.



Hi Friends,


It's that time of year!  We still need people to assist in the Independence
Market at convention.  Duties include demonstrators of blindness products,
store keepers to bring these products to the cashiers and cashiers to handle
the credit card or money transactions.  We also need people to direct
traffic.  Would you like to work in the independence market or do you have
suggestions of others who would like to work a shift or two during
convention?  As we all know this is the only time each year that most of us
have the opportunity to get our hands on the newest aids and appliances out


It takes approximately three hundred people to assist in the Market at
convention.  I know that many of you have already provided names of those
who might be available to help and that many of these people are planning to
work.    We very much appreciate the help.  I am just asking that you think
about this one more time.  If you have more ideas, Please call me at
410-659-9314 ext. 2272 or email, communityrelations at nfb.org.


Thanks for all you do.




Pat Maurer

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