[Nfbv-announce] You are invited to the Fairfax NFBV Chapter party December 18!

John Bailey john_bailey17 at hotmail.com
Sun Nov 30 19:50:59 UTC 2014

You Are Invited!

Our primary goal this year is to grow the membership of the chapter. One great way of doing this is by throwing a party and inviting current members and prospective members to come join us in an evening of food, fun, and fellowship.

This year, (like previous years) our holiday party and gift exchange will be hosted by Cathy and Fred Schroeder at their home in Vienna on the evening of December 18 between 7:00 pm and 9:00 pm. Their address is 9522 Lagersfield Circle, Vienna. 

Our holiday parties are also a potluck dinner that everyone enjoys. For those attending whose last name begins with “"A thru M, they should bring appetizers.  People whose last names begin with N to Z should bring desserts.

So that there will be no duplication of foods (you can have too much of a good thing), please call Cathy Schroeder and let her know what you are bringing.  Cathy can be reached at:

Home: (703) 319-9226
Email: Cathy Schroeder<Cathy at sks.com>;

Cell: (703) 599-1960

Next,  each Chapter member is to bring a gift if they wish to participate in the gift exchange.  The cost of the gift is to be between $10 and $15.  It should be something that you would purchase for yourself or a good friend.  The gift can be for a male, female, or unisex or neutral.  This will be used in a game we play  to make giving gifts really exciting! 

Come one and come all.  This will be a GREAT time for all!  GREAT food!  GREAT gifts! And,  a lot of fun  .

Looking forward to seeing you!

Because of limited space, we encourage only current members and those interested in becoming members to attend. 

The Fairfax Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind meets the third Thursday of each month. For more information about attending future meetings, call John Bailey at 703.994.2040 or he can be reached via email at john_bailey17 at hotmail.com

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