[Nfbv-announce] No Communications conference call for this Tuesday!

John Bailey john_bailey17 at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 16 00:34:12 UTC 2015

Hello All,
Because of a scheduling conflict, there will not be a NFBV communications committee meeting for this month. However, I have some exciting updates for you.

Jeremy continues to do an outstanding job leading the editing of “Do You Know A Blind Person” NFBV pamphlet. As you may remember, the only real documentation we have to hand out to the interested public is the very generic national materials. This is fine if you have nothing else to give someone. However, because of the work being done by Jeremy right now, we will have a  handout that specifically talks about the work we are doing in virginia and all of the innovative ways we are reaching out to the blind in our state. Jeremy and I will be sending out updates to its progress soon.

We continue to develop a social media presence. Our affiliate email (NFBVirginia at gmail.com) is ready to take inquiries from anyone wanting more information from our organization as well as where and when local chapters meet. Our Twitter account (@NFBVirginia) is ready to go. And, our YouTube webpage is waiting for us to upload both video and audio examples of the great things we are doing.

Cathy Schroeder has been working on designing ways for each social media outlet to receive the latest information from our affiliate almost instantly and automatically. This ability will make it so easy for chapters to send updates to one spot (NFBVirginia at gmail.com ) and have it appear all over the net in order to create an even more successful event.

There are a few more odds and ends. But, I will update you on those later.

Again, no conference call this month!

If you have questions, call me at 703.994.2040 or email me at john_bailey17 at hotmail.com

John Bailey

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