[Nfbv-announce] Fwd: Fact Sheets for Tuesday's Phone Blitz
Christopher Vinson
chrisvinson1 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 12 22:55:49 UTC 2016
A friendly reminder that our phone campaign to urge our members of
Congress to cosponsor the TIME and AIM HE Acts is tomorrow beginning
at noon. Please get in touch with your member of Congress through the
Capitol Switchboard referenced in Parnell's email. Attached are the
fact sheets for both bills and below are some talking points you can
use when speaking to the staffer.
Deepa and Jeannette
Talking Points
Hello. My name is ___ and I am a member of the National Federation of
the Blind. I am calling to urge Representative ___ to cosponsor the
TIME Act, or Transitioning to Integrated and Meaningful Employment
Act, HR 188. This Act calls for the repeal of Section 14(c) of the
Fair Labor Standards Act, discontinues the issuence of new special
wage certificates,, and and phases out the use of the special wage
certificates over three years. Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor
Standards Act, passed in 1938, allows the issuing of Special Wage
Certificates to entities, allowing them to pay workers with
disabilities subminimum wages. Many of these entities are sheltered
workshops which hire blind individuals. They pay workers with
disabilities, including the blind, pennies per hour, forcing us to
remain inn poverty and rely on disability benefits. These workshops
are segregated environments and do not allow workers to compete in an
integrated environment with nondisabled peers. Over 80 other
disability organizations support the repeal of 14(c). Please urge
Congressman/woman ___ to cosponsor the TIME Act.
For those members who have already cosponsored the TIME Act, please
say the following:
Hello. My name is ___ and I am a member of the National Federation of
the Blind. I am calling to thank Congressman/woman ___ for
cosponsoring the TIME Act, or Transitioning to Integrated and
Meaningful Employment Act, HR 188. We really appreciate
Congressman/woman ___’s support.
AIM HE (pronounced AIM HI) Act:
Hello. My name is ___ and I am a member of the National Federation of
the Blind. I am calling to urge Congressman/woman ___ to cosponsor the
Accessible Instructional Materials in Higher Education Act, or AIM HE
Act (HR 6122). This Act concerns accessibility of instructional
materials in colleges and universities. Many colleges and universities
are not considering accessibility for blind students when using online
instructional material. The use of inaccessible technology is
prohibited under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and Titles II
and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Many schools have
faced legal action for adopting inaccessible technology. Equal access
requirements have no criteria for accessibility that schools can use
when selecting technology. Among other things, the AIM HE Act Develops
accessibility guidelines for instructional materials used in
post secondary education. It would establish a Commission tasked with
developing accessibility criteria for instructional materials and the
technology used to access those materials. The blind need equal access
to a quality education in order to gain meaningful employment and to
be productive citizens of society. Please urge Congressman/woman ___
to cosponsor the AIM HE Act.
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