[Nfbv-announce] Fwd: Anyone have time to meet with a LCB student?

Tracy Soforenko tracy.soforenko at gmail.com
Mon Jul 17 13:19:00 UTC 2017

For people in Northern VA or D.C., please consider connecting with this very nice student. I enjoyed talking with her at convention. 

Tracy Soforenko 
Tracy.soforenko at gmail.com

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Bonnie O'Day" <bonnoday at gmail.com>
> Date: July 16, 2017 at 4:11:24 PM EDT
> To: <jacquelinestonebrown at comcast.net>, <justinbchan at gmail.com>, <stephanie.h.deluca at gmail.com>, <savedbygrace0421 at gmail.com>, <Deverdale at gmail.com>, <jwg at gendeavors.com>, <Johnh50 at verizon.net>, <Sandyh50 at verizon.net>, <JessicaKyriazis at aol.com>, <Brianrmiller88 at gmail.com>, <aschlank at verizon.net>, <shuttleworthb01 at gmail.com>, <arielle71 at gmail.com>, <Nancyyeager542 at comcast.net>, <sarahblumb at gmail.com>, <charliebrownlaw at comcast.net>, <beverlyconey at cox.net>, <Samuel.I.deluca at gmail.com>, <pattyandseton at thedroppers.com>, <Lwmagnussen at hotmail.com>, <aschlank at verizon.net>, <Sharon.soforenko at verizon.net>, <tracy.soforenko at gmail.com>, <Evelyn.Valdez at va.gov>
> Subject: Anyone have time to meet with a LCB student?
> Hi everyone. I sent the note below out to the NFB chapter list, but it is
> waiting for review by the moderator (who is probably in the air someplace.)
> If any of you can help in the next couple of days, we'd really appreciate
> it.
> ***
> Joe Orozko sent out a note a couple weeks ago asking if anyone was available
> to meet with a student from LCB, Lakeria Taylor, during the days after
> convention (Sunday through Tuesday evening). Bob and I responded and are
> willing to show her around DC, taking her to the monuments and other sights
> tomorrow (Monday). Joe has set up an informational interview with someone at
> FBI on Tuesday morning but she has a fair bit of free time other than that.
> I'm wondering if any others of you have some time to spend with her, perhaps
> sharing a meal or a coffee either this evening, tomorrow evening or Tuesday
> afternoon or evening. I know this is a difficult time, as we are all trying
> to catch up on work, laundry and sleep after the convention. But I think
> it's important that we reach out to this young and promising student. 
> If anyone has some time  to spend with her, please respond and copy all so
> we can all coordinate to make her visit to DC fruitful and successful.
> Lakeria Taylor's cell number is (318) 658-2309. She's staying at the Hyatt
> on Wilson Blvd. and is there now. I've copied Joe's original note below. 
> Thanks.
> Here's Joe's note.
> Hello all,
> The week after convention, a student from LCB will be visiting the area to
> complete one of her graduation requirements. She is interested in both
> professional development and site seeing. In terms of the former, she is
> interested in working in the national security field. I will bring her into
> the Bureau to meet with various people, but if any of you have contacts to
> blind people working at one of the other intelligence agencies, I would be
> appreciative if you could help make a connection. I don't pretend to know
> everyone there is to know and want to make sure she is exposed to as many
> contacts as possible. She is also interested in hitting some popular
> landmarks, doing some shopping, and checking out local restaurants. If you
> live in or near Arlington and are available to show our guest around between
> Sunday, July 16 and Wednesday, July 19, please contact me off list. The
> student is looking at making this area her home in the future. It would be
> great to introduce her to some good Virginia hospitality from fellow
> Federationists.
> Thanks,
> Joe
> --
> AlphaComm Strategies: Your Message, Our Mission www.AlphaCommStrategies.com/
> Musings of a Work in Progress:
> www.JoeOrozco.com/
> Bonnie O'Day
> 703 845-3436

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