[Nfbv-announce] 2017 Convention Highlights for Adults

Tracy Soforenko tracy.soforenko at gmail.com
Mon Sep 11 04:26:54 UTC 2017

The 2017 NFB of Virginia Convention agenda is coming together.  This
convention highlight message focuses on topics for working age adults.

Working age adults will benefit from a remarkable set of programs,


Friday Afternoon:

Living the Collaborative Life You Want - How Blind People Strategize to Work
in a Visually Oriented Workplace:  This year's NFBV 2017 Friday technology
seminar will focus on how blind people effectively collaborate in the
workplace, be it remote, virtual or face-to-face with their peers. We will
have an interactive and panel discussion about the technology and
alternative techniques used by blind professionals to enhance their
productivity on the job. In addition, participants will get the opportunity
to apply the skills discussed in an interactive collaboration exercise.


Eyes on You: Dress, Connect, Impress - Increasing the Social and the
Professional You by Maximizing your Wardrobe Potential, Cultivating
Relationships, and Leaving an Everlasting Impression:  This Friday afternoon
seminar will focus on how you present yourself, both professionally and
personally, to achieve your goals, promote your brand, and make a strong
impression on others.


Winning Them Over with Professionalism and Poise - An Etiquette Dinner: 

You are cordially invited to attend the inaugural Etiquette Dinner presented
by the NFB of Virginia on Friday evening. At this dinner, you will be
educated on the ins and outs of appropriate etiquette in both professional
and social dining settings. From knowing which fork to use, to how much to
tip, and even appropriate dinner conversation. These are just a few of the
things that will be discussed. There will also be an "Ask Ms. Manners"
portion at the end. For this portion of the evening, you will have the
opportunity to anonymously ask those burning questions that you may be too
afraid or embarrassed to ask out loud. Simply write down your question in
either braille or large print, bring it with you to dinner, and get the
answers you seek! Registration is limited, so pre-register to secure your
seat. A limited menu will be defined from the Westin's Blue Fire Grill and
participants will be responsible for paying for their menu selections.  The
dress is business casual. Out of respect for all participants and our
presenters, you are expected to arrive promptly. This is going to be a
wonderful event, and well worth your time.  The techniques you learn at this
dinner are sure to add a finishing touch of class to your business persona
and make you that much more desirable within the job arena. Remember you
don't get a second chance at a first impression. So, let's learn and grow


Upward Mobility Lunch: One of our engaging Saturday lunch sessions will
focus on individuals who are early in their career and trying to grow to
move up the employment ladder. Whether you are a young professional, seeking
to change careers, or trying to figure out how to find and partake of new
opportunities, join us to connect and discover ideas for your future.


Getting the Job Done - Advancing Your Job/Career Prospects: Our Saturday
afternoon career workshop will focus on helping you get and grow on the job.
Whether you are a job seeker, a new employee, or someone trying to advance
in the evolving workplace, this dynamic workshop will provide you the skills
to navigate with greater confidence. We will combine great presentations,
interactive sessions and the opportunity to learn from our peers to help you
succeed. This year's seminar will focus on self-reliance, private sector
solutions, and charting your own path. Key areas of focus will include
resume and cover letter critique, mock interviews, overcoming obstacles in
the workplace, and networking best practices. 



The National Federation of the Blind of Virginia Convention combines
excellent networking with positive blind role models, fellowship with old
and new friends across the Commonwealth, and some of the best presentations
on topics important to the blind of Virginia


Details on convention registration and hotel reservations can be found at:




Register and book your hotel reservation today.


Tracy Soforenko

President, National Federation of the Blind of Virginia

202 285-4595

Tracy.soforenko at gmail.com <mailto:Tracy.soforenko at gmail.com> 



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