[NFBV-Announce] VRCBVI Virtual Trainings - Spring, 2020 - Schedule and registration information

Mary Durbin mrdurbin at cox.net
Wed Apr 15 16:50:45 UTC 2020

Ussenterprise1071 at gmail.com

Sent from my iPhone
Mary Durbin
700 Biltmore Dr
Virginia Beach, VA. 23454
757-472-2495 (cell) 

> On Apr 13, 2020, at 10:41 AM, Melody Roane via NFBV-Announce <nfbv-announce at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Hello everyone, 
> Please share the following virtual training opportunities with your networks.
> The Virginia Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Vision Impaired (VRCBVI) Virtual Trainings are off to a successful start!  We are pleased to offer an expanded calendar of virtual events - see details below!  
> The information below, contains details regarding the virtual trainings for April 13 through May 15.  All sessions will be offered via Google Hangouts and will be one hour in length. Call in / login information will be sent to those who register.   
> VRCBVI Virtual Trainings - Spring, 2020
> VRCBVI’s Virtual Conversations about Blindness (CAB) Series - Target audience: Anyone
> Wednesday, April 15 - 2:00 pm
> Parenting Blind: There is No Manual, Manual!
> Leaders - Mike Fish and Michael Triplett
> Ever wondered how to keep track of the runner, how to measure that needed dose of meds, or just need to know how to handle that mess? Join us and get some useful tips about parenting. Blindness is only part of the challenge.
> Wednesday, April 22 - 2:00 pm
> Getting Involved and Getting Active: Learning Ways to Get Started in Fitness and Sports as a Blind Person
> Leader - Domonique Lawless
> Have you ever wanted to participate in a particular sport or wanted to start working out but didn't think it was possible? Are you curious to know how you can get involved in sports? How can you keep active while you are at home and social distancing? If any of these things have crossed your mind, come join us for an interactive discussion and virtual workout with blind athletes from around the country.
> Wednesday, April 29 - 2:00 pm
> The Power of Positive Attitude, Role Models, and Believing in Yourself
> Leader - Mike Villafane
> So, you just became blind… Or maybe you have been blind for a while. Others have told you that all you can do is sit in a corner and listen to the radio or attempt to do some basket weaving. But, wait! There is an actual path to overcoming blindness. It is by having access to “The power of positive attitudes, role models and believing in yourself.” Whether those role models are in person, in books, or on YouTube, let’s talk about how finding this power can improve your life.
> Wednesday, May 6 - 2:00 pm
> I Didn’t Think I Could…
> Leader - Melody Roane
> Have you ever said no to an opportunity because you were not sure you could do it as a blind person? Or, have you ever jumped in and taken on a project because you had the confidence and desire to do so as a blind person? Come join our discussion and share your experiences. Participants will learn that you can take an active role in activities and events.
> Wednesday, May 13 - 2:00 pm
> Taking Steps Toward an Independent Future: One Person’s Story of Success
> Leader - Domonique Lawless
> Have you thought about going to college and becoming employed? Have you ever thought about volunteering for or starting your own nonprofit organization? Meet Conchita Hernandez Legoretta, who will share her experiences with all of these things and her strategies for how she achieved her goals as an independent blind person.
> Monday, April 13 - Target audience: Anyone
> Monday, April 13 - 2:00 pm
> Self-Care During Social Distancing - Join the VRCBVI Diabetes/ Health Educator for an interactive Q&A session to discuss tips for making chronic disease self-care easier during our current stay-at-home situation. Discussion topics to include addressing health concerns related to self-care, assessing medical care and obtaining medication refills
> Instructor - Kim Ladd
> April 14 through April 17 - Target audience: Teachers of the Vision Impaired
> Tuesday, April 14 - 2:00 pm
> Using the Orbit Reader for Braille Instruction - Learn how to use the Orbit to bring technology into your Braille lessons: will include how to access electronic files and documents in Braille
> Instructor: Mike Fish
> Wednesday, April 15 - 2:00 pm
> Tips for Teaching Braille, Engaging Students, and Jumpstarting Reading
> Instructor: Domonique Lawless
> Thursday, April 16 - 2:00 pm
> Chromebook Accessibility - Learn to use the ChromeVox screen reader
> Instructor: Mike Fish
> Friday, April 17 - 2:00 pm
> PowerPoint Non Visually - Using screen readers to create and navigate PowerPoint presentations
> Instructor: Mike Fish
> April 21 through April 24 - Target audience: Pre-ETS and TVIs
> Tuesday, April 21 - 2:00 pm
> Using Google Classroom - Learn the basics of Google classroom
> Instructor: Mike Fish
> Wednesday, April 22 - 2:00 pm
> Using Aira, Be My Eyes, Seeing AI - How to access visual information and do visual tasks
> Instructor: Mike Fish
> Thursday, April 23 - 2:00 pm
> Collaborating In the Cloud - Using Google apps (Drive, Docs, etc.) to create and share information
> Instructor: Mike Fish
> Friday, April 24 - 2:00 pm
> Take Notes Like a Pro (Actively vs. Passively) - Tips for effective note taking
> Instructors: Domonique Lawless and Joanne Wiggins
> April 28, 30 and May 1 - Target audience: Anyone
> Tuesday, April 28 - 2:00 pm
> Word Basics - Creating, editing and storing documents non visually
> Instructor: Mike Fish
> Thursday, April 30 - 2:00 pm
> Intro to Excel - Learn the basics of this versatile program while using a screen reader
> Instructor: Mike Villafane
> Friday, May 1 - 2:00 pm
> Screen Reader Basics When Searching the Web
> Instructor: Mike Villafane
> May 5, 7 and 8 - Target audience: Anyone
> Tuesday, May 5 - 2:00 pm
> LinkedIn Basics and Its Use for Employment - Review how to set up a profile and network using this social media tool
> Instructors: Mike Villafane and Greg Chittum
> Thursday, May 7 - 2:00 pm
> Budgeting and Financial Management - Learn the basics with VRCBVI Personal and Home Management instructors
> Instructors: Dave Fuller and Michael Triplett
> Friday, May 8 - 2:00 pm
> Resources for Conducting a Diverse Job Search - Ensure that you don’t place all your job-search eggs in one basket! 
> Instructors: Greg Chittum and Mike Villafane
> May 12, 14 and 15 - Target audience: DBVI staff
> Tuesday, May 12 - 2:00 pm
> Completing Your Online Timesheet and Checking Leave Via Employee Direct - Learn how to use JAWS to complete these tasks independently
> Instructor: Mike Villafane
> Thursday, May 14 - 2:00 pm
> Narrator Basics for Those Who Don’t Have JAWS - Learn quick strategies to assist you in working with your clients
> Instructor: Mike Fish
> Friday, May 15 - 2:00 pm
> Using Excel to Keep Track of Clients and Workload - Tips and tricks to streamline caseload management
> Instructor: Mike Villafane 
> Use the following link to register:
> VRCBVI Virtual Trainings - Spring, 2020 - Registration 
> --
> Melody L. Roane, Director
> Virginia Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Vision Impaired, Virginia Department for the Blind & Vision Impaired
> 401 Azalea Avenue, Richmond, VA  23227
> Melody.Roane at dbvi.virginia.gov
> Phone: (804) 371-3323 | Fax: (804) 371-3092
> Facebook: facebook.org/VDBVI
> LinkedIn: linkedin.com/VDBVI
> www.vrcbvi.org 
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