[NFBV-Announce] Minutes from the May 13 2023 NFB of Virginia Board of Directors meeting

tracy.soforenko at gmail.com tracy.soforenko at gmail.com
Tue Aug 1 08:53:58 UTC 2023

>From Christine Grassman , Recording Secretary, National Federation of the
Blind of Virginia


Sandy Halverson agreed to take the notes from our May 13, 2023 Board of
Directors meeting. Here are the notes from Sandy. 

National Federation of the Blind of Virginia

Board of Directors Meeting

May 13, 2023


Call to order and introduction of guests: The board of directors meeting of
the National Federation of the Blind of Virginia was called to order by
President Soforenko at 1 p.m. and after introductions, it was determined
that 16 voting delegates and several members and guests were present.


Secretary's report: The minutes from our January 2023 meeting were approved
as read and posted.


Treasurer's report: The report given by our treasurer, Mark Roane, covered
the period from December 31, 2022 through April 20, 2023 providing detailed
transactions in our account. Current balance in our General Checking account
is $60,270.67. After which our treasurer's report was accepted unanimously.


Project RISE: Joe Orozco, our Project RISE coordinator, described activities
which had been planned for students along with their mentors and parents
since our last board meeting. These included public speaking exercises with
feedback from the audience. RISE students and mentors partnered with a
church to provide Christmas gifts for low-income families which were
purchased and wrapped by the students and other students performed a variety
of jobs at some local animal rescue shelters. During our board meeting, the
students were practicing cane and problem-solving skills in a scavenger hunt
experience. Joe briefly described our GUIDE program for younger youth led by
Ally Kelso who is leaving Virginia to attend college in Florida; and a
proposal will be presented at our August 5 board meeting to continue this
program. A recently hired employment coordinator is identifying summer job
placements for RISE participants and we were urged to contact Joe with job


Convention operations: Our Greater Williamsburg Chapter is planning for our
upcoming state convention November 2-5 with the hope that by our next
meeting, our convention landing page and registration process will be in
place. Our operations team is also seeking coordinators for registration,
sponsorships and exhibit hall.


In-person BELL report: We were pleased to learn from Louise Walch, our BELL
coordinator, that we will have 16 students from across Virginia who will be
arriving at Virginia Beach to take part in our one-week program. Mary Durbin
has been recruiting volunteers and Jodi Nicholson, one of our Teachers of
Tomorrow national program participants who lives in Virginia, will be our
lead teacher. 


Silver BELLs: From Sandy Halverson, our Silver BELLs coordinator, we learned
that approximately 60 blind and low-vision seniors throughout the
Commonwealth were introduced to blindness 101 and had opportunities to
practice travel, technology, home management and communication skills. We
will be submitting a grant request to the Virginia Board for the Blind and
Visually Impaired to provide most of the funding for our 2023-2024 Silver
BELLs program. Seniors receiving services from DBVI were encouraged to
attend one of the two week-long senior retreats taking place this summer at
the Virginia Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Vision Impaired in


National Convention: Our 2023 NFB national convention will take place from
July 1 through July 6 at the Hilton Americas Hotel in Houston, Texas.
Preregistration closes on May 31; however, virtual experience participants
may register at any time. Room rates for the Hilton and Marriott hotels were
given. Mitchell Ford, one of our Project RISE mentors and a member of our
Potomac Chapter, is a national scholarship finalist and a Norfolk resident
who will be attending MIT is our second national scholarship winner. Tracy
reminded us that he will serve as our voting delegate at convention and
Sandy Halverson will serve as our alternate. If there is a call for a
delegate vote to be taken, there may not be time to poll everyone in the
affiliate delegation before the vote must be cast.


Kenneth Jernigan and McDonald Fellowship winners: Mary Durbin, coordinator
of our McDonald fellowship committee and mentor to both programs, thanked
the McDonald Fellowship committee. Some individuals applied for both
programs while others did not and we are pleased to have Nathan Green from
Lexington, Bob Meter from Williamsburg, Renee Valdez from Alexandria, and
Pam Balensiefen from Ashburn among our in-person delegation. Those who are
interested in mentoring our first-timers should contact Mary by June 15 so
assignments can be made and distributed.


Virginia caucus: On Sunday, July 2, we will meet in a room to be announced
sometime in June for an affiliate caucus at 10 p.m. The banquet ticket you
purchased guarantees a meal but not a place to put it; the purchased ticket
must be exchanged for a ticket with a table and seat number. The person
responsible for ticket collection will be announced at the caucus and we
will have an opportunity to welcome our first-timers and conduct other
convention-related business. 


Independence Market and NFBV Exhibit Table Volunteers: Our independence
market staff needs lots of volunteers for product demonstration and
storekeeper duties. Renee Valdez who co-chairs our fundraising committee,
stated we will be selling NFB tote bags and membership coin holders, each
for $20 and the table will be staffed July 2 and 3; email Renee to work at
our table and Tracy to work at the Independence market tables.


Those who will be attending our national convention virtual experience were
urged to connect via Zoom to listen to the resolutions committee meeting,
board of directors meeting, all general sessions and the banquet; there will
also be additional programming virtually and registration makes you eligible
for door prizes. A motion was made, seconded and carried unanimously that we
donate $300 for six $50 in-person door prizes.


Contributions to national funds: After chapter and division presidents
indicated NFB camp, White Cane, tenBroek, Jernigan and SUN fund donations, a
motion was made and carried that the NFB of Virginia donate $15,000 to our
White Cane fund, and $2,000 to each of the three remaining funds. 


Museum of the blind people's movement: Tracy next provided a lot of
information about our museum of the blind people's movement. The general
public is the audience. The exhibits designed and implemented by us are our
way to positively change societal misconceptions about blindness, stop
equating us with Mr. Magoo, Helen Keller, Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder.
This project is being directed by a board of museum advisors, one of whom is
a national scholarship winner of ours who has also worked on the Obama
presidential library and will ensure museum accessibility at all levels.
Several state affiliates have pledged $50,000 to be paid over five years.
After discussion, a motion was made and seconded that the NFB of Virginia
match that commitment. When an officer asked if this was a prudent
investment, others felt more time was needed to consider this commitment of
funds, and there were specific questions about exhibits that could not be
answered at this time, it was suggested that further action be tabled until
our August board of directors meeting and the motion was withdrawn. It was
also suggested we review the museum information on our national website.


Division reports: Naim reported one of our students participated in the
National Association of Blind Students Midwest Chicago conference;
fundraisers are being planned with details coming soon. From Yasiah, the
merchants annual meeting in March went well; Mark Roane, our treasurer, is
working now as is Chimere Roberts, one of our Richmond chapter members.
Patty reported seniors have learned about the kinds of game modifications
for positive interactions with grandchildren and were informed about the
upcoming VRCBVI senior retreats taking place in August. With regard to
membership, we are working to improve the process for new member contacts,
getting them involved and keeping them involved. Renee reported our
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee has set a goal to meet with more
chapters this year and increasing our social media outreach efforts. From
Jimmy Morris, our scholarship application should be live in June and we will
be offering three $2500 scholarships; a detailed announcement will be coming
soon. Jacki shared our communications committee Facebook and YouTube
presence. The highlight of Stewart's legislative report was minimum wage
legislation signed by our governor that says no new subminimum wage
certificates can be given after July 2023. Our public outreach committee
urged chapters to start planning for Blindness Equality Achievement Month
proclamations and other community activities. 


Tracy announced our next board meeting will take place Saturday, August 5,
2023 starting at 1 p.m. after which the meeting was adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

Sandy Halverson

Acting Recording Secretary



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