[NFBV-Announce] Minutes from the January 16, 2023 National Federation of the Blind of Virginia Board of Directors meeting

tracy.soforenko at gmail.com tracy.soforenko at gmail.com
Wed May 10 01:43:26 UTC 2023

>From Christine Grassman, Recording Secretary, National Federation of the
Blind of Virginia

Minutes from the January 16, 2023, Meeting of the Board of Directors,
National federation of the Blind of Virginia

National Federation of the Blind of Virginia 

Affiliate Board Meeting Minutes

January 16, 2023

The affiliate board meeting was called to order at approximately

1:12 PM after several attempts to deal with technology issues associated
with Zoom participation. 

There were 48 in-person attendees and eight Zoom attendees.


Treasurer's Report: General Checking Account Balance as of 12/31/2022:

Questions were asked regarding fund-raising of tote bags, coin holders, and

Several individuals had not yet sent in proceeds from the sale of those

President Soforenko reminded those who had our products used in fundraising
that these items were needed for National Convention and would need to be

Treasurer Mark Roan responded to a request to explain the Virginia
Pre-Authorized Donation (VPAD) program which allows members and chapters to
contribute monthly to the affiliate.

A question was asked regarding coordination of the CPR class. Christine
Grassman explained that she coordinated this with Accessibility

that it was a community class and did not involve certification, but that
could be arranged. 

In Spring 2022, the National Federation of the Blind of Virginia submitted a
grant application to the Virginia Board for the Blind for $100,000 in
financial support for the 2023-2024 Silver Bells program. The Virginia Board
for the Blind had generously awarded the grant and the grant payment had
just been received in early January 2023. However, since the payment was
received after December 31, 2022, it is not reflected in this Treasurer's


A motion was made and seconded for acceptance of the Treasurer's report, and
the report was accepted. 

Silver Bells: Sandy Halverson gave a report about Silver Bells. It is no
longer a pilot program. She discussed three seminars which take place from
Thursday through

Sunday. Focus of core areas include blindness 101: survival Braille, home
management, technology, travel training, and communication skills, and

Sandy requested that members conduct intensive outreach to organizations:
Lions clubs, senior centers. Weekends: A seminar weekend is planned for

Beach the last weekend in February. Sterling was scheduled for the end of
March, and the third in Richmond in May.

If anyone is interested in supporting our core instructional areas, please
reach out to Sandy. Sandy reminded all that having a skill and being able to
teach a skill are not necessarily the same thing. 

You do not have to be a member of the NFB to attend Silver Bells or to
volunteer to support the program. 

There are currently 35 individuals signed up for Silver Bells in 2023; there
is a cap of 60 participants.

An attendee mentioned that she noticed that initially, attendees were
hesitant and 

uncertain and at the end of the weekend, they were more optimistic, engaged,
and hopeful. 

If you have interest or questions, contact  silverbells at nfbv.org
<mailto:silverbells at nfbv.org>  

Taming the Shark: President Soforenko presented about Taming the Shark.

a program teaching the basics of JAWS and Zoom Text magnification to
students and teachers, was a big hit at state convention. We want to do it
again in

Richmond and at our 2023 state convention. We are building relationships
with teachers. 

vispero provided the laptops used for the instruction. 

Allied Instructional Services (Karen Walker and Mike Fish) and Vispero are
assisting with this instruction. A free or nominal fee license is given to

teachers for a year. 

Question: Will we do something in the western part of Virginia? President
Soforenko indicated we are now broadening our pilot program; the cost was
lower because we incorporated this program into an existing activity being
run by our affiliate. In Richmond, we will likely get many teachers from
other areas. Richmond is centrally


National Convention: 

July 1-6 at the Hilton Americas in Houston, Texas. 

We would like to assist first-timers to attend with our McDonald Fellowship
and Kenneth Jernigan convention scholarship programs. It is for first-time,
in person attendees. First time attendees are encouraged to apply for both
our Virginia specific McDonald Fellowship and our national Kenneth Jernigan
Convention Scholarship   programs. Since both require essentially the same
information, please apply to both. Details were distributed on the Virginia
Announce list and can be found on NFBV.org and NFB.org respectively.


We will also send out an announcement for financial assistance for those who
have attended previous conventions but might need some assistance in
attending this year. 

Contributing to national funds: At the May board meeting, chapters will have
the opportunity to contribute to these funds: 

-White Cane (Our General Fund)

-TenBroek (Our Building Fund)

*	Shares Unlimited in NFB (Our rainy-day fund)
*	The Kenneth Jernigan Fund (Runs special programs like grants to
first time convention attendees)


Chapters and divisions can also contribute to NFB Camp.  NFB Camp is a kid's
program at the national convention to provide childcare for blind and
sighted children at the convention.

The Braille Enrichment for Literacy and Learning (BELL) Academy is not NFB
Camp. BELL is a summer enrichment program for blind and low vision students
conducted throughout the country.


The State Convention will be held from November 2-5 in Williamsburg,
Virginia at the doubletree.


Spanish interpretation for materials and sessions: President Soforenko
discussed the NFB's and affiliate's commitment to providing materials in
Spanish. If further materials are needed, please contact him.

Fundraising: Renee Valdez explained the affiliate is selling tote bags,
peanuts, and coin holders.  we still have remaining merchandise. You can
order coin holders at our web site, contact

Renee for tote bags. Renee will discuss selling merchandise at our national
convention during the May board meeting in Tysons Corner. 

Merchants Division: Yasiah Hurtado,  The

President of the NFBV Merchants Division provided a report congratulating
Mark Roan and Chimere Roberts; Mark's facility just opened, and

Chimere was completing training. She also announced the new vending contract
at Fort Lee, two retirees, and a meeting for VA merchants scheduled for

23 and 24. 

Seniors Division: Patty Droppers presented the Senior Division report. The
next division meeting would be held 01/25 at 7:00 PM on the affiliate Zoom.
Patty reminded seniors

to sign up for Silver Bells, and others to reach out to seniors who might be

Virginia Parents of Blind Children Division: Christine Grassman delivered
the Parents of Blind Children Division report for President Beth Sellers.
POBC meets virtually, as members live throughout the state.

They meet with legislators, assist parents one on one, and provide
information to teachers of blind children. They partner with other affiliate

to provide programs such as Taming the Shark, which will occur again in
Richmond and at the next state convention in November. 


Acknowledgment of Perception of Conflict of Interest: President Soforenko
spoke about the need to recognize that because board members sometimes
receive compensation for certain activities: Silver Bells, Project Rise,
etc., there could be a perception of a conflict of interest. As a
responsible non-profit organization, we need to formally acknowledge these
potential conflicts. A motion was submitted, seconded, and voted to
acknowledge the potential conflict of interest.


Membership Committee: Christine Grassman delivered the Membership Committee
report for John Halverson. There will be a membership meeting on Sunday,
March 5, from 2:00 to 5:00

PM to discuss recruitment, retaining members through engagement. Remember to
send dues by the end of January. Chapter presidents should appoint
membership committee

representatives. We must be sure that our membership rolls are reconciled
with the national database. The database had some growing pains, but it has

updated. Long-time members will no longer receive emails and information
with the New Member protocol; the database has been updated with a button to
acknowledge long standing members who needed to be added to the member

Membership Seminars: We are planning a seminar in the Spring, tentatively
scheduled for April 16 to orient new members and provide context to our work
together. These interactive sessions will help answer questions and help
people tap our Federation network.

The NFB of Virginia Announce List and many chapter email distribution lists
are available at NFBNET.org. Chapters and individuals can sign themselves
up. We are trying to do some mass subscriptions on an annual basis, and we
have added nearly 50 people to the Virginia affiliate's rolls.



Additionally, nearly 50 new members were subscribed to the Braille Monitor,
our flagship publication. Subscriptions can be accessed by emailing
publications at nfb.org <mailto:publications at nfb.org>  or through the
Publications section of our national web site.


If you are not receiving it,, please check spam folders.

Scholarship Committee: Christine Grassman delivered the Scholarship
Committee report for Jimmy Morris. In 2022, Nine scholarship finalists
attended the 2022 NFBV State Convention with support from the Virginia
affiliate and 3 were awarded college scholarships in the amount of $2,500.
Information will be coming soon regarding the

2023 scholarship program. Please continue to recruit applicants for the
program and support the program. 

Blind Equality Achievement Month and Public Outreach:  Uricka Harrison
described our efforts within and across chapters to run public outreach
events in October, many conducted on October 15 which is White Cane Safety
Day. For 2023, we are seeking both chapter specific events and coordinated
events across regions. 

Convention Operations & Logistics: Joe Orozco reported on the record turnout
of the 2022 state convention and the kudos and criticisms received. He
reminded all that whenever there are seminars, conventions, or other
activities,  individuals should not wait until the last minute to make
reservations, complete their registration, or book transportation.


Project Rise: 

Project RISE is about not only receiving and enhancing skills, and being
visible in the community, but giving back to the community. Students

and wrapped gifts over the holidays for low-income families in 

northern Virginia. In the Richmond area, students volunteered at an animal
rescue organization. Project RISE wants to provide internship and employment

for students. Our web site has a listing for an employment coordinator. 

GUIDE Program: Ally Kelso, President of the Virginia Association of Blind
Students, described the GUIDE program. GUIDE pairs blind and low vision high
school students with elementary and middle school students for mentoring,
role modeling, and exciting activities over Zoom. Older teens and college
students who are blind act as mentors. In December, the students made
peppermint bark. At the January session, the students will participate in an
interactive career session with speakers. ten students regularly attend, and
we would like more students to be involved. Reach out to Ally or get more
information from the nFBV website. 

guide at nfbv.org <mailto:guide at nfbv.orgAlly>  

Virginia Association of Blind Students: Ally Kelso also reported the
Virginia Association of Blind Students (VABS) will conduct a pizza and ice
cream social at 7:00 PM on January 16. VABS is planning engaging virtual and
in-person programming and updating the membership process. The National
Association of Blind Students (NABS) is considering the potential of a
regional seminar in September 2023 to be held in Virginia.

Braille Enrichment for Literacy & Learning (BELL) Academy: Christine
Grassman delivered the BELL Academy report for Louise Walsh, NFBV Youth
Coordinator. Our BELL Academy in Home Edition was very successful with many
Virginia participants in 2020, 2021, and 2022. However, in 2023, the NFB of
Virginia is focused on an in-person BELL Academy program. While the In-Home
Edition will still be available, an in-person BELL Academy is being
considered for Virginia Beach. 

We need investment now in order to plan.

Several chapters indicated interest in supporting the program. 

A motion was offered and seconded to authorize $10,000 toward the BELL
program.  After discussion, the motion passed.

Since we have not held an in-person BELL Academy in Virginia for many years,
the request to consider other parts of the Commonwealth have been deferred
to later years after we complete the pilot in 2023.


Richmond Seminar Preparation: Bonnie O'Day delivered the Richmond seminar
report and Stewart Prost read the fact sheet outlining the description of
our legislative priorities.  Fact sheets and information for the legislative
agenda was distributed earlier on the Virginia Announce list. 

Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired (DBVI) Commissioner
Dr. Rick Mitchell addressed the board meeting. He explained that we were the
last external group to be using the Library and Resource Center(LRC) Large
Conference room since this building will soon be undergoing a major
renovation. The space would be renovated to become a modern conference

He reported that the governor is a supporter of hiring persons with
disabilities. The Governor's budget proposal includes additional funding for
DBVI's vocational rehabilitation program to reduce the possibility of wait
lists for services from DBVI. 

Stewart Prost gave the names of legislative team leads and members and
offered tips and logistics for getting to the Pocahontas Building. 

The meeting adjourned at 4:17 PM.

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