[NFBV-Discuss] Time for the May At Large chapter conference call

Patrick Johnson patrickjohnson1015 at gmail.com
Mon May 11 14:19:26 UTC 2020

Greetings once again,

It is almost time for the monthly At Large chapter conference call.
We have an exciting topic and special presenter for May.  Have you
heard about indoor climbing walls?  Maybe your local gym or YMCA has
one.  Or maybe you've heard an ad on the radio or tv about them.  Now
is your chance to learn about climbing walls and their accessibility
for blind climbers.  Our presenter once called Virginia home, but now
resides in Colorado.  Chelsea Cook is a Virginia Tech Astro-Physics
grad.  Go Hokies!!  There is  a lot more I could tell you about her,
but I'll save it for the conference call.

The call is open to all members and non-members (and after an awsome
call topic like this you'll want to join) the National Federation of
the Blind of Virginia.

Date: May 12
 Time: 8 PM
* Rock climbing walls and how blind climbers can enjoy them.
* Presenter Chelsea Cook, active Federationist and former Virginia resident
Conference call Phone No.:

One touch dial:

I look forward to hearing everyone on the call and learning more about
a sport I've only read about.

Patrick Johnson, Chapter President

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