Wanda Taylor wptaylor13 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 17 15:00:43 UTC 2013

If you no longer wish to receive e-mails from the Fairfax Chapter of
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Hello Everyone,
This is just a friendly reminder that the Fairfax Chapter Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 18, 2013 at 7 PM.
Please note: Thursday's meeting will be held at Oakton High School, 2900 Sutton Road, Vienna Virginia, in room 109.
Mr. Bruce McFarland from the  Fairfax City Emergency Planning Office will be speaking and answering any questions you may have on what is meant by emergency preparedness.   This is guaranteed to be an exciting and informative meeting especially with the recent turn of events.  

Do you know what to do in an emergency?  Do you know what you will need if you have to evacuate?  Do you know what does it mean to shelter in place? All this and more will be answered on  Thursday.

Please note: there will be light snacks and beverages available.
Let Cathy or I know that you will be attending.

You can call or email  Cathy at:

Home: (703) 319-9226

Email: CSchroeder at ATPCO.NET

Cell: (703) 599-1960

Thank you.  

Looking forward to seeing you.

Wanda Taylor
President, Fairfax Chapter
National Federation of the Blind
Proud Member of the NFB
Home: 703-212-7392
Cell: 703-395-3409

Wanda Taylor
President, Fairfax Chapter
National Federation of the Blind
Proud Member of the NFB
Home: 703-212-7392
Cell: 703-395-3409
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