[Nfbv-fairfax] FairfaxNFB ChapterCookout and Fundraiser -Saturday June 15

Wanda Taylor wptaylor13 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 5 19:04:45 UTC 2013

Hello All!
The Fairfax Chapter will be having their first fundraiser and cookout  on Saturday, June 15 from 3PM to 6PM  The cost is $10 per person.   There will be door prizes and a LOT of fun, food, and games. 
It is requested that the chapter members whose last name begin with the letters found between A -M bring a  side dish  and those chapter members whose last name begin with the letter found  between N-Z bring desserts.
The date: Saturday, June 15
The cost: $10 per person
The time:3PM
The location: 9522 Lagersfield Circle, Vienna Virginia

Invite a friend.
Remember lots of food, lots of fun, and door prizes.

Your RSVP is requested no later than  Wednesday, June 12, 2013  . 
Please respond to Cathy Schroeder if you plan to attend and/or if you will be bringing an item.
You can call or email  Cathy at:

Home: (703) 319-9226

Email: CSchroeder at ATPCO.NET

Cell: (703) 599-1960

Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
    Looking forward to seeing you there and enjoying the yummy foods fun and fellowship....  


Wanda Taylor
President, Fairfax Chapter
National Federation of the Blind
Proud Member of the NFB
Home: 703-212-7392
Cell: 703-395-3409
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