[Nfbv-fairfax] Fairfax Chapter website content

Wanda Taylor wptaylor13 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 20 00:00:48 UTC 2013

Hello All!

>From the Web Committee:  below is a draft of the web content for the Chapter to consider. Please review the information and be prepared to provide your comments/suggestions/content, etc by the close of this Thursday's meeting, if not before.   There are numbers before the major headings to identify them. The wording of the headings as well as the other content is open to revision.

  1.       Name of chapter and nfb logo

  We are the National Federation of the Blind of Virginia Fairfax Chapter. We serve Fairfax county and surrounding regions

  2.       Meeting time, location, and contact information

  The Fairfax Chapter of the National Federation of the blind meets monthly on the third Thursday of every month. Our meetings begin at 6:30 PM for dinner followed by an entertaining and educational program about low vision or blindness till 9:00 PM. We gather in the meeting room (which can be found in the rear of the restarant) of the Glory Days Grill located at 3059 Nutley Street Fairfax, VA 22031-1931. The phone number there is 703-204-0900. (http://www.glorydaysgrill.com/#locations/virginia/fairfax)

  For more information about meeting times or other chapter activities, contact chapter President Wanda Taylor at (703) xxx-xxxx or via email at slslslslsl.

  3.        Our mission and who we serve

  The Fairfax Chapter of the NFBV was founded in 1998 in order to assist those with low vision to more fully participate. We do this by offering information, fellowship, and opportunities to excel. 

  What makes our organization effective in assisting others with vision loss is that we are visually impaired ourselves. In short, we know from personal experience about the challenges and we exist to share our knowledge with others.

  We are experts in blindness and what the blind are truly capable of. Come join us!

  4.       Calender of events (List of meetings for the next year and other nfbv activities)

  5.       Short bio of the chapter and all the wonderful things we have done. Includes pictures of kids (I have those)

  6.       Helpful tips article 

  7.       Links to local resources
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