[Nfbv-fairfax] Announcement: Diabetes Seminar June 4 in Silver Spring

Schroeder, Cathy CSchroeder at ATPCO.NET
Sat Feb 22 02:07:26 UTC 2014

Below, in the body of this message, and also as an attachment, is the flyer for a seminar on diabetes and visual impairment, which will be held Wednesday, June 4.
Diabetes And Visual Impairment:
Meeting Challenges and Finding Solutions

The National Federation of the Blind of Maryland, Sligo Creek Chapter, in collaboration with the Maryland Division of Rehabilitation Services, is sponsoring a one-day, hands-on seminar for diabetics with visual impairments, their family members, and service providers.  Meet blind diabetics who lead active lives, learn non-visual techniques to increase independence, and witness demonstrations of products available for the visually impaired to manage diabetes.  The seminar will feature group presentations, exhibits, and break-out sessions focusing on a variety of topics related to diabetes and vision loss.

•    When:  Wednesday, June 4, 2014 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
•    Where:  The Marilyn Praisner Community Center, 14906 Old Columbia Pike, 
Burtonsville, MD 20866. 
Lunch and snacks will be provided.
•    Cost:  $10 before May 28, 2014, $15 at the door.  To register, go to 
http://www.BrownPaperTickets.com and enter event number 578914 into the search box.  Only credit or debit card payments are accepted on this website.  You may also call Brown Paper Tickets at 1-800-838-3006 for assistance in purchasing tickets, or send checks, payable to the NFB Sligo Creek Chapter, to: Debbie Brown, 11923 Parklawn Dr., Apt. 104, Rockville, MD 20852.  Please include your telephone number.  (A $1.34 surcharge applies to tickets sold through Brown Paper Tickets.) All registrations should be submitted by May 28, 2014. For questions call Debbie Brown at 301-881-1892 or e-mail judyras at sprynet.com.

Lloyd Rasmussen, Kensington, MD
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