[Nfbv-fairfax] FW: [Nfbv-potomac-announce] Fwd: bill Meeker

Wanda Taylor wptaylor13 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 30 19:12:47 UTC 2014



From: Nfbv-potomac-announce [mailto:nfbv-potomac-announce-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Beverly Coney via Nfbv-potomac-announce
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 1:00 PM
To NFB Announce
Subject: [Nfbv-potomac-announce] Fwd: bill Meeker


Beverly and all members of the potomac Chapter:

Our long time member and good friend Bill Meeker was hit by a car last tuesday while walking home from walking his wife to the bus stop in the morning.

Bill sustained serious brain injuries which required surgery for swelling on the brain and is in critical condition.

He is breathing on his own though and has some movement in his right side but no movement on his left side.

He is in a sort of coma and there is no predicting how long it will last or whether he will or won’t come out of it.

You can go to a website called caring bridge where Bill’s wife Cheryl Orgas has posted updates on his condition.

I received a phone call from Bill’s sister this evening informing me of the accident.

Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.


Chris Ramsay 

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