[Nfbv-fairfax] Fairfax Chapter meeting: Cathy Schroeder's Home: Linkedin for finding jobs: Thursday, Nov. 17

John Bailey john_bailey17 at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 14 16:12:26 UTC 2016

Keep reading to find out about our valuable FREE gift just for those who attend.
Hello everyone,
Our Thursday, November 17 meeting of the Fairfax Chapter, National Federation of the Blind will be of vital interest to everyone.

Want a job? Got a job and want a better one? Want to become a master networker? Need expert advice and want to find it easily? Then,
Our program on harnessing the power of LinkedIn is for you!

Our program speaker, Katherine Chalmers, is the owner of Velocity Marketing which assists companies reach their social media marketing goals. Katherine will be sharing with us the "hidden secrets" of what makes LinkedIn one of the most powerful tools for advancing your career and making the networking contacts that can change your future.

During this 45 minute program, Katherine will be telling us the value that can be gained by using Linkedin. The program is packed with information and you will want to get there on time to gain the most from the valuable content.

For the November 17 meeting, we will be meeting at the home of Fred and Cathy Schroeder. Their address is:
9522 Lagersfield Circle, Vienna VA. Please let Cathy know if you want to join us for pizza by calling her prior to the meeting at 703.319.9226.

RSVP requested.

We start gathering at 6:30 PM and the evening will end at 8:30 PM. Pizza will be available for a $5 donation payable when you get there.

One more bonus for those who attend. Ever hate taking notes during a presentation because it makes it hard to listen to the content? Well, at our Thursday evening program, that won't be a problem. There will be free electronic documents covering many of the ideas of the program available so you can start implementing your success stratigies as soon as you get home. But, you must attend the program to receive them.

At our meeting, we will be having our annual chapter elections, covering the highlights from the state convention, and planning our holiday party for this December.

Need more info? Contact John Bailey at john_bailey17 at hotmail.com<mailto:john_bailey17 at hotmail.com> or via phone at 703.994.2040.

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