[Nfbv-fairfax] Fairfax chapter meets this Thursday at the Red Lobster at 6:30 pm

John Bailey john_bailey17 at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 13 13:20:08 UTC 2017

You are invited to join us for the Fairfax chapter of the NFB meeting.

When Thursday, Feb. 16
Where  Red lobster 10325 Fairfax Blvd, Fairfax, VA 22030
Dinner starts at 6:30 PM. The meeting starts at 7:00pm and runs till 8:30 PM.

Joe Orozco will be our guest speaker for the evening. He will be talking about his work with the FBI and his career. By the way, Joe is blind.

Want information about how a blind person can have a career in law enforcement? Join us and have your questions answered.

In addition to Joe's fascinating  program on being an employee of the FBI, we will have several other smaller programs that you will be interested in.

Recently WMATA (aka Metro Access) issued new ID cards to its riders. Did you find the information in alternative formats helpful? My guess is no because there wasn't any. WMATA only issues alternative formats of their information upon request and that is unsatisfactory. At our Thursday meeting, we will review a draft letter from the chapter and vote on it to WMATA requesting that all printed information from their organization automatically be available in alternate formats. And, much more. Come and let's talk about it.

And, chapter Treasurer Joy Relton will be giving a summary of information she received at a program that discussed how blind people can effectively network. Joy will go through her notes so that we can all be power networkers.

Have any questions? Feel free to contact president John Bailey(john_bailey17 at hotmail.com)  or Vice President Carolena Garrison (garrisonlena1 at gmail.com).

See everyone Thursday!

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