[Nfbv-fairfax] Vote on the below letter to Metro Access. Your thoughts are wanted

John Bailey john_bailey17 at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 16 15:37:58 UTC 2017

Dear Chapter members and friends,
Below is a letter we propose to send to Metro Access on behalf of the chapter. Basically, it suggests that Metro Access make accessible materials less complicated to get.

We will be voting on the language this evening. My thanks to Rodney Neely, Annette Carr, and Joy Relton for their hours of effort in creating this document which accurately addresses our concerns and suggests some solutions to those concerns.

Please read the text below and bring your questions and votes to the Fairfax Red Lobster this evening at 6:30 PM.
John Bailey
John_bailey17 at hotmail.com<mailto:John_bailey17 at hotmail.com>

February 20, 2017

Dear Mr. Kent:

In January of 2017, WMATA sent to many Metro Access users replacement Metro Access identification cards and newly issued Personal Care Attendant (PCA) cards.  The cards provide much awaited new and enhanced functionality for many people who use MetroAccess.  These changes offer people with disabilities a range of transportation options and greater independence to community travel.  We commend WMATA for these advancements and know that it will have a positive impact on both customers and WMATA.

We are concerned about the manner in which the roll out of these cards took place.  There was no prior communication informing customers of the upcoming arrival of these cards.  Documentation included with the cards was not accessible to customers who are blind or have limited vision.  These customers had no way to know who sent the cards, what they were, and how to use them.  In addition, there is no tactile difference between the two cards leading to confusion and unwarranted charges if the PCA card is mistakenly used at a Metro Fare gate or on a bus.

Distribution of the new MetroAccess identification cards and associated PCA Cards without providing supporting documentation in accessible formats is a direct violation of 49 C.F.R. 37.125(b).  This is further required by Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Guidelines and information on this requirement can be found at 28 C.F.R. part 35. ADA regulations, which specifically require that paratransit materials be made available to paratransit users in accessible formats can be found at http://www.ada.gov/taman2.html.
Specific guidance on making documents accessible to persons with low vision can be found at: http://www.aph.org/research/design-guidelines/#primary_content<http://www.aph.org/research/design-guidelines/%23primary_content>

WMATA's practice of not providing its customers with information in accessible formats and not incorporating accessibility into all aspects of WMATA's services is long standing.  It is frustrating to customers when the provided services that are intended to remove barriers, result in putting up new ones.

The members of the Fairfax Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) would like to make recommendations to improve the current ID Card Rollout, as well as to be used in future communication of service changes.

*        Allow MetroAccess customers to indicate as part of their customer profile their preferred method/format of communication to be honored by WMATA and MetroAccess for all communication.

*        Add auditory messages to the initial announcement on All WMATA and MetroAccess customer service phone lines about an upcoming change.

*        Print all paper correspondence in large print as described in resources cited above

*        Post a copy of the information in an accessible electronic format on the WMATA and MetroAccess websites.

*        Include with all print correspondence a card with braille that offers a short description of the material (i.e. "new MetroAccess ID and PCA cards"), a phone number where customers can call for more information, and a URL for a website where the information can be found in an accessible electronic format.

*        Send the information out in an accessible electronic format via e-mail to customers who have provided an optional e-mail address.

To improve the distinction between the MetroAccess ID card and the PCA card, we offer a couple of ideas.

*        Use a different shape for each card, (i.e. one with rounded corners and one with square corners).

*        Incorporate into the mold of the card a different tactual and contrasting colored mark for each card, (i.e. a black raised circle on one card and a black raised line on the other).

*        Add an adhesive backed label that is high contrast to the card and has a different texture or shape for each card (i.e. a raise black circle on one card, and a raised black square on the other, or a raised smooth black circle on one card and a raised textured circle on the other).

*        Indicate in the communication what the tactile and visual differences mean.

We also recommend that WMATA consider establishing customer focus groups prior to implementing changes to services.  The purpose of these customer based groups would be to provide WMATA with insight into techniques and strategies that will improve the accessibility of new services, as well as test solutions for effectiveness.  The NFB Chapters in the Washington DC Metropolitan Area would be happy to partner with WMATA to identify NFB members who are current MetroAccess customers interested in volunteering to participate in a focus group.

We are requesting a response from WMATA and/or MetroAccess explaining what actions will be taken to ensure that:

1.    Customers will be provided with information about the recently issued cards in an accessible format, as well as when this will occur.

2.   A plan is developed to make the ID and PCA cards easily discernable by customers who are blind and have limited vision, and a timeline for implementation of this plan for the current cards, as well as for future roll outs.

3.   All future communication is provided to customers in a timely and accessible format.

Accessible access to WMATA and MetroAccess information is the law and should not be an afterthought or ignored time after time.  It is the goal of the NFB to work in partnership with WMATA to allow Blind People to "Live the Life They Want".

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


John Bailey, President
Fairfax Chapter NFBV

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