[Nfbv-fairfax] Fundraiser at Rita's feedback

John Bailey john_bailey17 at hotmail.com
Sun Jul 30 17:27:43 UTC 2017

Fundraiser at Rita's Italian Ice of Fairfax feedback

On Thursday, July 20, 2017, the Fairfax Chapter of the NFBV did a joint chapter meeting and fundraiser at a local business. Our goal was to both reach out to the community and to raise some needed funding for the chapter. Even though, our salsa dance classes, movie nights for teens, indoor rock climbing events, and motor cycle rides are fun, they also cost the chapter some cash. The money raised from Rita's Italian Ice and Custard's event will allow us to continue to be an important part of the local blind community.

Chapter leader, Annette Carr, work with Jacque Wang (owner of Rita's) on the event. Below are some of Annette's comments on how well we did.

From: Annette Carr
Subject: Rita NFB RAFFLE Results 2017
Hi All,

Jacque Wang is going to contact all those who participated in the raffle and let them know  they won a gift and that they can stop by Rita's and pick it up.
There were a total of 83 transactions made during our event.  Since we do not know exactly how many people were part of each transaction, nor how many of those people bought multiple things for themselves, nor how many people dropped someone's pretzel on the floor and had to buy a second one for the person, I think it is safe to say that around 100 people pass through our event.

As of right now, Jacque is planning on coming to our August meeting to present us with a check for the fund raiser, and to be our guest speaker on the topic of owning your own business.

I think that just about closes Chapter 1 of "The NFB of Fairfax Goes Artic".


John Bailey
National Federation of the Blind of Virginia
Fairfax Chapter
John_Bailey17 at hotmail.com<mailto:John_Bailey17 at hotmail.com> | 703.994.2040

We meet the third Thursday of every month. For information about meeting locations and times, Contact John Bailey at john_bailey17 at hotmail.com<mailto:john_bailey17 at hotmail.com> or via phone at 703.994.2040.

We would like to thank our community sponsors and friends:
Rita's Italian Ice and Custard of Fairfax, Fairfax Hosts Lions Club, Alexandria Lions Club, City of Fairfax Theater Company, Dr. Suleiman Alibhai,  and many more.

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