[Nfbv-fairfax] Research Study Anouncement

John Bailey john_bailey17 at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 2 15:04:06 UTC 2018

Here is the study announcement:
HELLO--I am a researcher in the Department of Information Systems at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. We are conducting research to investigate interaction with voice activated agents including home smart speakers like Google Home or Amazon Echo and mobile voice assistants like Apple Siri or Google Assistant. Participants should be identified as legally blind and use screen readers to interact with their computers or mobile devices. We also prefer recruiting participants who have experience interacting with home smart speakers (e.g., Google Home, Amazon Echo) or if not, at least be familiar with these devices. During the interview, Volunteers will be asked to discuss their experience with privacy, security and trust using these technologies. The study may take about one hour to complete. The interview can either be conducted in person in ITE building at UMBC or remotely using Facetime/Skype/Phone. Participants will be compensated with $20 through Amazon gift card or Paypal. Please contact me at aliab1 at umbc.edu<mailto:aliab1 at umbc.edu> if you are interested in participating.

Ali Abdolrahmani
PhD Student
Human-Centered Computing
Information Systems department
University of Maryland Baltimore County
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