[Nfbv-fairfax] Nov. 15 is chapter meeting and elections

John Bailey john_bailey17 at hotmail.com
Sun Oct 28 20:18:46 UTC 2018

Hi All,
It is that time of year again, We are having heavy thoughts about this year's state convention in Fredericksburg starting on Nov 9 thru 11. Also, we are having our chapter elections and you are definitely needed.

Something a bit different this year. I am not running for chapter President. I have gained so much being a part of the chapter's leadership. But, it is time for me to move aside and let tomorrow's leaders take charge. Thank you for the opportunity you have given me.

So, what is exactly involved in chapter elections?

It is quite straight forward. We have positions that need to be filled. They are all very important in their areas and are essential.
All positions are open for nomination.

  1.  Two board member positions. Their job is to help with making decisions for the chapter and to suggest improvements and new ideas. They participate in chapter meetings along with our monthly board meeting conference calls.
  2.  Chapter Secretary. Takes notes on decisions made during chapter events and attends monthly meetings and board meetings.
  3.  Treasurer: just ask any current or former chapter Treasurer and they will tell you without hesitation that they are the real power. Be-that-as-it-may, the Treasurer  position is very important and they oversee the chapter funds while attending chapter meetings and board conference calls.
  4.  Chapter Vice President: this is a really important position and he/she represents the chapter at state events and runs meetings when the President is unavailable.
. President: Think of this as head cheerleader. The President oversees all the chapter activities by motivating others to help out and reminding others that their help is required. They are also the face of the chapter at state events.
If you are interested in a chapter position and have questions, or you want to run for one of the offices, please let me know by sending me an email at john_bailey17 at hotmail.com<mailto:john_bailey17 at hotmail.com>

Best JB

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