[NFBV-Fairfax] Fairfax Chapter NFBV Virtual Meeting, 11/19/20 7:00pm - Chapter Elections, Holiday Party Planning & More

amcarr1 at verizon.net amcarr1 at verizon.net
Wed Nov 18 14:03:16 UTC 2020

You are invited to the Fairfax Chapter Of the NFBV monthly meeting.  We are
gathering virtually via Zoom on

Thursday, November 19, starting at 7:00pm.  Please join the session prior to


This month's meeting will focus on our Chapter elections and discussion of
our annual holiday party.


We will be using our Affiliate Zoom log in to gather.  


Use this link if joining by the Zoom app on your computer or iPhone  


Use this "One Tap" when calling in from an iPhone or other Smart phone
tel: +13017158592,,8297256345#  <tel:%20+13017158592,,8297256345> 

If joining by your landline/telephone use your phone keypad to 

Dial: 1 (301) 715-8592


When prompted use your keypad to enter 

Meeting ID: 829 725 6345# 


The election of our Chapter Board is an important role as members.  The
board represents who we are as a Chapter and reflects who we are.  If you
are interested in a leadership role in the Chapter and want lead our Chapter
into 2021, consider running for a position on the board.  Contact  our
Chapter nominating committee chair, John Bailey, john_bailey17 at hotmail.com
<mailto:john_bailey17 at hotmail.com>  to have your name added to the
nomination slate.  


In order to vote, you need to have paid your membership dues prior to our
election.  This means that if you have not yet paid dues, you need to do
this before 7pm on November 19.  Any dues paid since October 1, 2020 will
also apply to your 2021 membership.  Those who have paid earlier in 2020
will need to pay for your 2021 membership by January 31, 2021 in order to be
a voting member of the Chapter.  Non-dues paying members are welcome in the
Chapter, but are unable to vote on Chapter matters.  Contact our treasurer,
Jay Burke, jburke51 at yahoo.com <mailto:jburke51 at yahoo.com>  to arrange for
payment of your Chapter dues of $5.


Our annual Holiday Party is a long standing tradition in the Fairfax
Chapter.  Moving to a 100% virtual format does not have to prevent us from
continuing this tradition, although it might look different.  Cathy and
Rachel having putting their heads together to come up with ideas for a
virtual Holiday Party.  Be sure to attend the meeting to see what they are
cooking up and to be able to contribute your creative ideas to make this an
event to remember.  


Please plan to connect to Zoom prior to 7:00pm.  



*	Introduction of Chapter Board members.
*	Chapter Elections
*	Discussion of our holiday party.
*	State Convention highlights
*	Final comments and announcements.


Looking forward to talking with you on Thursday evening November 19, at 7pm.


Annette Carr

President, Fairfax Chapter

National Federation of the Blind

amcarr1 at verizon.net <mailto:amcarr1 at verizon.net> 


www.nfbv.org <http://www.nfbv.org> 


www.nfb.org <http://www.nfb.org> 


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