[NFBV-Fairfax] {Spam?} April 21 meeting announcement and stuff

John Bailey john_bailey17 at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 3 14:42:04 UTC 2022

The Fairfax Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind (NFB)
will be meeting on Thursday, April 21, 2022, from 7:00pm - 8:30pm via Zoom.

Next month's chapter meeting will be May 19, 2022, starting at 7PM.

In this announcement you will find:
*          Description of this month's presentation
*          Zoom and dial-in information
*          Agenda

  *   Secretary's Report/Minutes from last meeting
*          Contact Information and Resources:

            Description of this month's presentation:
The Fairfax chapter of the National Federation of the Blind is honored to have Brigid Doherty, Metro System Orientation Specialist from the Washington Metropolitan Transit Authority (WMATA) as our featured speaker at this month's meeting. She will provide us with information about the new Abilities-Ride program in Northern VA. IT is a safe, easy, and flexible option from MetroAccess. The program uses local taxicab companies, sedan and van services, and national transportation networks (Uber). Plan to join us to learn whether the new Abilities-Ride program is an option for your transportation needs. You can submit questions in advance of the meeting to ensure they get answered, by emailing them to Rodney neely at rodneyfneely at gmail.com<mailto:rodneyfneely at gmail.com> before 5:00 PM eastern standard time on Tuesday, April 19, 2022.

Virtual Meeting Information:
We will be meeting on Zoom this month and will be using our Affiliate Zoom log in.

Use this link if joining by the Zoom app on your computer or iPhone

Use this "One Tap" when calling in from an iPhone or other Smart phone
tel: +13017158592,8297256345#

If joining by your landline/telephone use your phone keypad to
Dial: 1 (301) 715-8592
When prompted use your keypad to enter
Meeting ID: 829 725 6345#

Please plan to connect to Zoom prior to 7:00pm.

*          Meeting called to order
*          Roll Call of Board members
*          Member and guest introductions
*          NFB Pledge (See below)
*          President's opening remarks - Annette
*          Presentation
*          Secretary's report - John
*          Treasurer's report - Annette
*          Presidential Release Summary - Ashley
*          Business discussion
*          Announcements & final comments
*          Adjournment

NFB Pledge:
I pledge to participate actively in the effort of the National Federation of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for the blind;
to support the policies and programs of the Federation;
and to abide by its constitution.

Secretary's report for March 2022
I would like to thank Annette for supplying the info for this month's Secretary's report. I was busy job                                   hunting and got hired!

At our March meeting, we enjoyed a virtual presentation from the A T Guys who are the Access Technology Experts. We were given a first-hand look at some of the hottest accessible products - many designed specifically for the blind.

Some of the products we would find useful are: the BlindShell Classic 2, which is an accessible phone for the blind and those who have trouble hearing standard phones; Canute 360 Braille Multiline E-reader, which is the world's first multi-line digital Braille e-reader; Orbit Writer Braille Keyboard
Smartphone Companion, this purse or large pocket-sized Braille keyboard connects to your phone and makes typing easy and portable, and many other products specifically of interest to the vision impaired.

We wish to thank the   A T Guys for a great and relevant program. To contact the A T Guys:
mail: support at atguys.com<mailto:support at atguys.com>
Call: (269) 216-4798
Website: https://www.atguys.com/store/

P.S. As a bonus, the A T Guys offered a discount to those who attended the meeting.

The meeting ended at 8:30 PM.

The next chapter meeting will be held virtually via Zoom on May 19 starting at 7:00 PM.

John Bailey

Contact Information and Resources:
President, Fairfax Chapter National Federation of the Blind VA Affiliate
Annette Carr, M.Ed.
nfbvFairfax at gmail.com<mailto:nfbvFairfax at gmail.com>

Secretary, Fairfax Chapter National Federation of the Blind VA Affiliate
John Bailey
nfbvFairfax at gmail.com<mailto:nfbvFairfax at gmail.com>

Visit the NFB of VA Affiliate webpage for news and information from around the state:


News and information from the NFB National Office are available at URL:

Sign-up for the NFBV Fairfax Chapter e-mail list at URL:

Sign-up for the NFB of VA Affiliate e-mail list at URL:

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