amcarr1 at verizon.net amcarr1 at verizon.net
Mon Oct 10 15:32:28 UTC 2022

Good morning NFB Family!


There should be dignity in voting!  For everyone!  Just because we may be blind, we should continue to have privacy in our voting experience, however, many of us are forced to take someone with us to read the ballot to us, or have help using a faulty attemtp at a voting machine...do they even have a voting machine in your district yet?




On Saturday, October 15th, there is an important 2-hour event to address this issue.  There will be important information shared with us:

*	  Critical information about our voting ritghts as people with disabilities,
*	  A preview of our November 8th ballot;
*	  Demonstrations of accessible voting machines.

Here is what we hope to accomplish:


If you are a member of the Greater Alexandria Chapter, President Evelyn Valdez is asking us all to register, using the link provided, and attend this important event.  I already registered and plan to be there. 


If you are receiving this email, the Greater Alexandria Chapter is asking you to join us to support this voting cause, to arm yourself with this knowledge so that you can, in turn, help others VOTE WITH DIGNITY in any and every election moving forward!


Please use the link below to RSVT for this important event.  It is free.  It is critical to our independence as blind people!  two hours on a Saturday afternoon is little to ask for ensuring the dignity for us and for others...


I have attached the flyer for this event with all of the information.  This event will be held at the Barbara M. Donnellan Auditorium, Arlington Central Library 1015 N Quincy Street.


For your convenience, here is the link for registration:

RSVP HERE: https://DisabilityVotingRights.eventbrite.com 


Please, when you register to attend the voting event, please respond to this email and let me know that you did.  I would like to have a count of how many NFB People will be attending.


Thank you so much!  I hope to see you there!


Renée F. Valdez, M.A.

Secretary/Treasurer, National Federation of the Blind, 

Greater Alexandria Chapter

Chair, NFB of Virginia,

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee

Co-Chair, NFB of Virginia, 

Fundraising Committee

Vice President, Northern VA Regional Local Human Rights Committee


(703) 966-0836


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