[NFBV-Fairfax] Financial Assistance Requests for Attending the 2023 National Convention

amcarr1 at verizon.net amcarr1 at verizon.net
Tue Mar 14 00:32:22 UTC 2023

In case you missed NFB VA Affiliate President Tracy Soforenko's message
regarding National Convention funding requests, I am reposting it below.


Our National convention is a highlight for the year and the 2023 convention
will be no exception. We expect the 2023 National Federation of the Blind
convention in Houston to be a fantastic Federation family reunion. The
convention dates are July 1-6. The convention will begin Saturday, July 1
and end late after the banquet on Thursday evening, July 6. Most people will
be departing on Friday, July 7.


We want everyone to plan this into your calendar and your budget so you can
be there to join us.


If you have never attended an in-person national convention, we strongly
encourage people to apply to both the Virginia specific McDonald Fellowship
and national Kenneth Jernigan convention Scholarship programs. Attending a
virtual convention does not limit application for these two programs. 


Every year, the affiliate president will receive a few requests for
convention assistance from affiliate members. I am putting some ground rules
in place to help clarify expectations.

If you are planning to request assistance, please send your request to me in
email. Your request should factor in the following:

A.	What are my total expected costs:

What should I expect to pay for convention factoring in expected costs for
travel, lodging, meals, and convention registration? I have no idea how much
it costs to get from your home to the Hilton Americas Houston. You need to
do the research. In addition, the banquet is a highlight of the convention
and you don't want to miss it. You need to factor this into your
calculation.  Many people choose to share rooms and you will start seeing
roommate requests posted to our announce list starting soon. 


B.	What can I afford myself


No one will be going to convention for free. The Jernigan Scholarships and
McDonald Fellowships do not provide all the funding for convention for first
timers. Individuals requesting financial assistance should expect to make a
significant contribution to your convention expenses. You should be
factoring in this expense into your budget.


C.	What is my chapter contributing?


Your chapter is a resource for financial assistance. Do not come to the
Virginia Affiliate requesting financial assistance if you have not asked
your local chapter. I will be following up with chapter presidents to
understand how you are contributing at the chapter level to programming and

D.	How much are you requesting from the affiliate 


After considering other sources, how much are you requesting from the
Virginia affiliate. Please note that we do not provide funding in advance.
Our NFBV Treasurer Mark Roane or I will provide funding at convention but
you need to work locally to get your travel and room expenses addressed. You
should definitely expect to attend the Virginia Caucus to receive the
financial assistance. I do not know the date and time for the caucus at this
time but you will want to make certain you are there. It is not Mark or my
job to hunt you down at convention and it is not Mark or my job to provide
you funds as you walk into the hotel.  However, we will gladly sell you some
Virginia Peanuts. 


Speaking of selling, fundraising is the means through which we have the
resources to provide financial assistance. When I talk to your chapter
president, I am checking to determine if you are engaged in the chapter and
affiliate fundraising. We will certainly be selling items at the Virginia
table at convention and you will be expected to help with that activity if
you receive financial assistance. You should be hustling throughout
convention and afterward back in Virginia to sell our products to fund our


We are asking that requests are submitted no later than June 1, 2023. You
should be planning in advance, booking your hotel room and taking advantage
of the early registration pricing.  


We want everyone to join us in Houston and we hope this guidance clarifies
the process. However, if you have questions, I am glad to address them.

Tracy Soforenko

President, National Federation of the Blind of Virginia

202 285-4595

Tracy.soforenko at gmail.com <mailto:Tracy.soforenko at gmail.com> 


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