[NFBV-Fairfax] Important NFBV Fairfax Chapter Virtual Meeting Thur, October 19, 7pm

amcarr1 at verizon.net amcarr1 at verizon.net
Wed Oct 18 00:25:29 UTC 2023

All current and past members of the Fairfax Chapter of the NFBV, are
strongly urged to attend our next virtual Chapter meeting

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Starting at 7:00pm Eastern Time

Zoom log in information is further down in this message.


This Month's Discussions are important to the future of the Chapter:

*	We will be discussing the need for members to run for Chapter
Officer and board positions in our upcoming elections on November 16.  It is
critical that all officer positions be filled.  It is also highly
recommended that both board positions be filled.  For a Chapter to thrive,
members must be willing to step up and contribute, and one way is to fill an
office or board position.  Consider running for the office of President,
Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer, or for one of the two board
positions.  Competition is welcome and strongly encouraged.
*	As members, what do you want the Fairfax Chapter to look like?  What
are you willing to do to keep it going?  It is the membership of a Chapter
that drives it and without your ideas, dreams, wishes and desires for the
Chapter, the Chapter will cease to exist.


We just celebrated our 25th anniversary, and in order to make it to our 26th
and beyond, we need you.


Virtual Meeting Information:

We will be meeting on Zoom this month and will be using our Affiliate Zoom
log in.  


Use this link if joining by the Zoom app on your computer or iPhone  

OwpIc> https://zoom.us/j/8297256345?pwd=SFAyamlQNU44ZTJ6dUZNMTV4RmhCQT09


Use this "One Tap" when calling in from an iPhone or other Smart phone

+13126266799,,8297256345# US (Chicago)


If joining by your landline/telephone use your phone keypad to 

Dial: 1-312-626-6799

When prompted use your keypad to enter 

Meeting ID: 8297256345#


Please plan to connect to Zoom prior to 7:00pm. 



*	Meeting call to order at 7:00pm
*	Roll Call of Board members
*	Member and guest introductions 
*	President's opening remarks - Annette 
*	Presidential Release Summary - Ashley
*	NFBV State Convention
*	Preparing for Chapter Board elections at the November meeting
*	Upcoming meeting topics
*	Announcements & final comments
*	Adjournment no later than 8:30pm


NFB Pledge:

I pledge to participate actively in the effort of the National Federation of
the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for the blind; 

to support the policies and programs of the Federation; 

and to abide by its constitution.


Contact Information and Resources:

President, Fairfax Chapter National Federation of the Blind VA Affiliate

Annette Carr, M.Ed.

 <mailto:nfbvFairfax at gmail.com> nfbvFairfax at gmail.com


Visit the NFB of VA Affiliate webpage for news and information from around
the state:




News and information from the NFB National Office are available at URL:



Sign-up for the NFBV Fairfax Chapter e-mail list at URL:



Sign-up for the NFB of VA Affiliate e-mail list at URL:



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