[NFBV-Historic-Fredericksburg] Crier July 14

rtbyrne at aol.com rtbyrne at aol.com
Sun Jul 14 22:45:55 UTC 2019

Greetings Federalationists. Those words or something likethem, started each large meeting at the National Convention last week in LasVegas. The Mandalay Bay is a very large, sprawling hotel. The hotel had a beachwith its pools and lazy river in its outside area to go with all the inside hadto offer. A nice place and a lot of walking.

It seemed that you were always walking from one end of thebuilding to the other to get to the venues or food.  A lot of tapping on the hard floor surfaces.

     Sue did not gobecause of family commitments so I drafted one of my retired nephews to be myguide. It was his first time flying big planes and his first time in Vegas. Ioften wondered who was guiding who.

     We had to leaveFriday morning so I did not get the official final registered number of NFBmembers. Last I heard it was around 3,400. This number included many who werenot blind but family members and other supporters.

     Microsoft  Google, and AIRA were big supporters and hadtop executives there to promote new and exciting stuff. More and moretechnology and innovation is just beginning to arrive. Once more I urge you tolisten to podcasts like BlindAbilities to hear about the latest.

     Our next meetingis July 20th. Unfortunately I am stuck at my son’s father-in-law’sbeach house babysitting while they go to Greece. Poor me.

    I should mentionthat the NFB president gave a state of the organization. We lost money in thestock market late last year but have gained it all back and then some. Financeslook good and there is some construction going on at the Baltimoreheadquarters. The good ship NFB seems to be on a good course.

     Elections wereheld to fill a board position. On another day, about 25 resolutions were read,sometimes discussed, and voted on. A long and not very exciting process. I amsure Holly and Jessica can answer all your convention questions.

     At the generalmeetings, the states were lined up in alphabetic order. Virginia had 5 rows andI interacted with some people I knew. After sessions and in the halls andvenues, I met folks, both old and young. One young lady was 18 and from SouthCarolina. She was getting ready to start at USC this fall. She was gettingready to live the life she wanted. The convention seemed a positive place. Thatbreeds success.

     One final thing.Next year the convention will be in Houston. It may not be as hot as Vegas, butit will feel hotter. That place knows humidity.

     Have a great day


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