[NFBV-Historic-Fredericksburg] CRIER JUNE 15

rtbyrne at aol.com rtbyrne at aol.com
Wed Jun 26 20:49:04 UTC 2019

     Summer hasarrived. Are you ready to make the most of it? We even bought our first ears offresh sweet corn yesterday. It was very good. In today’s Crier we have meeting minutesfrom June’s meeting which was run by Brittany. There is also a little ontechnology and links to some interesting and inspiring podcasts. I hope youenjoy.

MEETING MINUTES :  Themeeting was called to order by the Vice President, Brittany Ingram.  Others in attendance were Isaiah, Jodi, Dickand Sue.  Minutes of the May meeting wereread, followed by the Treasurer’s report. 

Brittany indicated her plans for discussion were to talkabout the purpose and philosophy of the organization.  Each person introduced himself and gave theirreason for joining the NFB.

There was a short discussion on correct financial procedures.  At the state convention all treasurers willattend a seminar on correct procedures. Dick mentioned our bank, BB&T will be merging with SunTrust duringthe next year.  This merger should notcause us any problems, but if it does we will take appropriate actions.

Brittany had tickets for prizes that will be given at theNational Convention.  At the moment weare aware of two members who are going to the convention, Holly and Dick.  

TECHNOLOGY- There are three tech ways for a visuallyimpaired person to get sighted help when alone. The first is the FACETIME APP whichinvolves calling a friend or relative and asking for help. This might get oldif you are calling the same person over and over. The second could be the freeBeMyEyes APP. Thousands of volunteers available to help. The third is AIRA.IO.This one usually costs money. You purchase a plan for a given amount of timeeach month but there is also a free component. They have an APP which allowsfree use of the service in certain designated locations. These are oftenairports or maybe convention sites. Keep these options in mind. They can make adifference.


PODCASTS – There are many types of podcasts out there. Theycover many different subjects. You have probably figured out thatBlindAbilities is a favorite of mine. It covers a very wide range oftopics.  The link below will take you totheir website and the most current podcasts and blogs. If you have not triedit, please do. There is something for everyone. Remember you can enableBlindAbilities on your Amazon Echo device and play any previous episode.




Take care and enjoy the day

Dick Byrne

Rtbyrne at aol.c
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