[NFBV-Historic-Fredericksburg] June 19 Crier
rtbyrne at aol.com
rtbyrne at aol.com
Sat Jun 20 00:55:24 UTC 2020
Good evening or morning depending on when you read this. Things have been a little strange around myhouse as we deal with virus restrictions and also do doctors and hospital visits as I get ready for a heart procedurethis coming Wednesday. I am sorry thisis so late but I hope you have it for the meeting on Saturday. Sue and I willnot attend because of an appointment at St. Mary’s Hospitel at the same time. Ihope you are all well and have a great meeting.
Sue’s May meeting notes follow:
The May 16, 2020 meeting of the Historic FredericksburgChapter of the National Federation of the Blind was called to order by the President,Brittany Ingram at 10:00 A.M. Those inattendance included Brittany, Holly Frisch, Michael Kasey, Jodi Silverburg,Dick and Sue Byrne, and Sarah Patnaude.
The Secretary’s report for the previouse meeting wasread. The report was amended at the request of Holly to include a discussion held at the previous meeting regarding donations totalling$750.00 to several national funds.
The Treasurer’s report indicated the Chapter’s checking account balance at the time was$2,518.75. Michael indicated thetreasurer’s report should include a summary of what funds were received anddisbursement of monies.
Brittany will be reporting to the State Meeting designation of the funds to be donated($750.00). She will also sendauthorization the the treasurer to initiate a check in this amount to be sentto Mark Roane who will disperse the funds.
A motion was made by Jodi to accept the Secretary’s andTreasurer’s reports as amended; Michael seconded the motion with corrections.
Our chapter hosted an online session called “Positive PhylosophySaturday”; Teri Ruff was invited as a guest speaker. Her focus for discussionwas Dr. Jernigan’s 1990 convention speech. Brittany asked who had joined thediscussion. Both Michael and Jodiindicated they had. Jodi thought it wasvery interesting, but it wasn’t what she had been looking for. Tracy Soforenko was happy with the way itwent and hoping there will be more discussions in the future.
Brittany asked how everyone isdoing. She has talked with severalmembers who said they are doing well. Dick mentioned our last month has beenhealth oriented. He mentioned if thereare Apple users, that Apple is coming out with a new phone ($500.00). Also BlindAbilities mentioned during one oftheir tech shows an interview with a high school junior taking AP courses whowas having trouble getting her materials in an appropriate format. Brittanybelieves the student division of the NFB was trying to help her.
Brittany brought up the fact shedoes not have a laptop for use in fulfilling her positon as president. She only has a phone with voiceover and oftentypos occur. She asked Michael whatavenues she might explore in remedying her prob lem. He has put her in touch with the GreaterFalls Run Lions Club who is helping her out in getting a Brilliant Brailledisplay which will connect to her phone as a braille keyboard and display sothat she won’t need to use voiceover and should help her to be more productivewith emails, etc. Brittany hopes tofoster a relationship with this club. Michael reiterated equipment for blind/VI is expensive so help isappreciated. Congressman Whitman willsupport the blind/VI with securing a bill before Congress for reimbursement/helpwith expenses.
Brittany asked if there isanything else. Dick is lookingh forwardto actually being abnle to meet in person, perhaps by next month. Holly felt we may be able to have a meetingthat would depend o n whether or not the library is open. Dick suggested perhaps a large outdoor areamay be needed. Even using socialdistancing, health issues may prevent many from attending.
Next Zoom meeting is scheduled forthe 3rd Saturday in June (20th); call or email Brittanyif you have any ideas for discussion. Michael suggested perhaps a discussion on planning a walk for the blind this fall, perhapsOctober. Maybe a virtual walk, gettingpledges to walk and report back.
Brittany asked if there were anyother comments. As there appeared to beno further discussion, Dick made a motion to adjourn, that was seconded byJodi. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00A.M.
Sue Byrne, Secretary
Treasurer’s Report:
Checking account as of May 16,2020 - $2,518.75
Deposits - $310.00
Debits - $60.00
New Balance - $2,768.75
Check to State uncashed $750.00
Available money in account -$2,018.75
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