[NFBV-Historic-Fredericksburg] Crier November 23rd

rtbyrne at aol.com rtbyrne at aol.com
Tue Nov 24 04:52:16 UTC 2020



     Bon jour –Our meeting at the library on Saturday met in a large room but socialdistancing would not have been a problem in a small room since there wereonly four of us in attendance. We arrived a little late after picking up Holly.That was our fault not Holly’s the meeting also had a number of members joiningon Zoom. The meeting had a reading of our last meetings minutes and a treasurer’sreport. 

     The presidentbrought up the possibility of a December luncheon meeting at a restaurant wheresocial distancing could be practiced. It is too early to know if that will be arealistic possibility. I think we should take a look at this in a few weeks. Ifvaccines are available, maybe December 19th might work. If that isnot feasible maybe January will be workable. We can only hope and pray that theend is in sight.


     Dick did talkabout  some APP’s that our available forsmart phones. Many are free to download but some have costs associated withusing them. A list of APPs is at the bottom of this Crier but I want to talkabout a few right here. 

     Sometimes wemight find ourselves alone and in need of some help who can see. There are two APPsthat can easily help. The first is BeMyEyes. This APP connects you withvolunteers located around the world. When you sign-up for this APP they ask foryour primary language and when you use the APP they connect you with a personwho speaks that language. These volunteers are not given a background check sodo not share financial information. I have used the APP and the person was veryhelpful.

     The other APP isAIRA. This APP is free but it can cost you for a subscription. The people whohelp you on this APP are employees and have been checked. While this APP cancost you to use it, there are many times and places where it can be free. Twomajor places where it is free to use are Target and Walgreens. There are otherfree places including some airports. Also the first five minutes of any callare free. A great APP. If you have any questions about the APPs in this Crier Iwould be glad to help you if I can.

     On a morepersonal note, I have decided to increase my exercise program. I live on acul-de-sac that is about a half a mile long. There is not a lot of traffic sowalking a mile or more is pretty safe. The approaching winter will make walkinga bit harder so I bought a 3G Cardio recumbent exercise bike. It was a bitpricey but I need to get in better shape and lose weight. I plan on listeningto podcasts and books while exercising. Maybe a little care in what I eat mighthelp too.

     I hope you allcan have a safe and happy Thanksgiving. Unfortunately our daughter and herfamily who live in North Carolina will not be travelling. Our three sons andfamilies are not travelling either here from Richmond. A very different Thanksgivingto go along with this crazy year.


Please be safe and check out the lists of APPs below.




Dick  - 804-238-5608

rtbyrne at aol.com

– APPs –BeMyEyes - AIRA – Target – Spectrum Access -Explore  ENVISION -BlindSquare – Bard Mobile – Kindle –BlindAbilities – 

NFB Newsline– PrimeVideo – Soundscape 

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