[NFBV-Historic-Fredericksburg] January 15th Meeting
rtbyrne at aol.com
rtbyrne at aol.com
Fri Jan 15 18:56:03 UTC 2021
Bon jour my friendsand fellow Federationists.
I hope every one is well and that you had a good holidayseason. I am pretty sure that we all are glad that year is over and the vaccineis becoming more and more available. I believe those 65 and older can get theshot starting next Monday. I know Sue and I are ready, once we find out wherewe need to go to get the shot. I hope the rest of the country can follow veryquickly
After muchthought and some discussion, I think it would be wise to cancel the Saturdaymorning meeting and suggest those of us who can attend the affiliate boardmeeting Saturday afternoon via Zoom instead. This would give all of us a chanceto learn more about our state organization. The instructions for joining themeeting will be below.
I hope you folkshave been following The Blind Abilities podcasts on your smart device or theweb.
Recently they had a podcast that talked about Lydar on theIphone 12 Pro. This feature allows the user to have the scene in front of themdescribed in detail by the Iphone. The folks in the podcast tested it on a roomand it sounded amazing. It piqued my interest and I went to the ATT store toget one today. They did not have any in stock but I ordered one and I shouldget it next week. I am looking forward to receiving it and using it. I willreport on it as soon as I have a chance to play with it.
I sincerely hopethat as some experts say that all the vaccinations give us the herd protectionand that life becomes a little more normal. If it does, then we can meet andenjoy each other’s company. We will alsobe able to plan enjoyable activities in person and safely. While I enjoy booksand other activities that do not require a crowd, I do not desire to be ahermit.
Please be safeand get ready to move forward with the rest of our lives.
Dick – 804-238-5608
Instructions forthe 1 pm Zoom meeting:
VirginiaAffiliate Board Meeting. Join us on Saturday, January 16thstarting at 1:00 pm. Learn about all the exciting things our chapters aredoing! As a part of Democracy in Action, you’ll learn what will bediscussed at the Richmond Seminar. You certainly don’t want to miss this!
Here’s how tojoin:
Zoom Link https://zoom.us/j/8297256345?pwd=SFAyamlQNU44ZTJ6dUZNMTV4RmhCQT09
One tap mobile
tel: +13017158592,,8297256345#
Telephone Dial: 1 (301) 715-8592
Meeting ID: 829725 6345#
If needed
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