[NFBV-Potomac-Announce] FW: Virtual Meeting Minutes of the Potomac Chapter of the NFBV, April 15, 2020

John Halverson jwh100 at outlook.com
Sat Apr 18 21:18:45 UTC 2020

From: Christine Grassman [mailto:cfgrassman at icloud.com]
Sent: Saturday, April 18, 2020 1:28 PM
To: John Halverson <jwh100 at outlook.com>
Subject: Virtual Meeting Minutes of the Potomac Chapter of the NFBV, April 15, 2020

Minutes of Virtual Monthly Meeting of the Potomac Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of Virginia, April 15:
Following some interesting technical glitches that resulted in some extraordinarily eerie sound effects, the Potomac Chapter meeting was called to order at approximately 7:10 PM. Members discussed the significant issues, both personal and general, with respect to the current pandemic. In particular, the unexpected and shocking passing of Brian R. miller due to COVId-19 on April 13 was discussed.  Brian was an accomplished professional, devoted Federationist, fantastic friend, and talented man who elicited multiple tributes. He will be sorely missed.

The chapter discussed the well-attended and successful live streaming of the April Presidential release, PR 493, via Zoom.  The next release will take place in the same manner on May 1, 2020, at 8:00 PM. After President Riccobono delivers his remarks, First Vice President Pam Allen will again moderate questions. Please send questions to:
Chris Danielsen with PR 494 in the Subject line:
cdanielsen at nfb.org<mailto:cdanielsen at nfb.org>
Or call:
(410) 659-9314; ext. 2473.
Zoom meeting details will follow.
Access the April release here:

Anyone who wishes to learn more about Zoom (you can call in with a phone using the meeting ID or via the Zoom app on a computer or phone), can access a free tutorial here:

The report of the Nominating Committee was accepted. Prior to the holding of the elections, John Halverson thanked the chapter for the opportunity to serve as its President and thanked the Nominating Committee for its service.
 Elections were held, and the following individuals were elected by acclamation:
Christine Faltz Grassman, President
Kathryn Webster, First Vice President
Deepa Goraya, Second Vice President
Treasurer: Sean McMahon
Recording Secretary: Arielle Silverman
CorrespondingSecretary: John Halverson
Board Members:
Sarah Blumberg
Nick Petrillo
Naim Abu-Elhawawa

The 2020 Annual Convention of the NFB will be held virtually from July 14-19 with details to follow. When chapters are able to do so, they can create gatherings to participate together in convention sessions.

Given our inability to hold our auction due to social distancing guidelines, the chapter recognized that our treasury would be negatively impacted without reducing our donations to Federation funds, including PAC, SUN, the Jernigan Fund, NFB Camp, and the White Cane Fund. We will send a minimum  donation of $100 to the White Cane Fund and will temporarily reduce our previously designated amounts to PAC and VPAD.   Amounts will be reviewed as the treasury permits, and members will be asked to supplement contributions.
Various affiliates of the NFB have been providing diverse virtual sessions for anyone interested. Pennsylvania and Colorado, in particular, have been sending out email announcements regarding these offerings.
Additionally, Kris Foley presented on the call regarding virtual training sessions offered by the Virginia Department for the Blind. Anyone interested in further details or anyone who would like to suggest topics should contact her at:
 kristinefoley at dbvi.virginia.gov<mailto:kristinefoley at dbvi.virginia.gov>

The Federation wants to be kept apprised of any specific problems faced by blind people related to the pandemic.
Our next chapter meeting will take place via Zoom on May 14, 2020, at 7:00 PM unless otherwise indicated. Meeting information will follow.
Respectfully submitted,
Christine Grassman

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