[NFBV-Potomac-Announce] Please report Voting-Related Issues ASAP

Christine Grassman cfgrassman at icloud.com
Wed Sep 23 10:30:45 UTC 2020

As John and I are working to put together trainings and information to assist in voter registration, accessing absentee ballots, and learning about accessible voting at polling places, I would like to be kept apprised if you have had any issues when registering, checking your registration status, locating information you need, etc. For example, it is my understanding that several individuals who have requested information about accessible voting have not been contacted regarding their requests for assistance. In addition, when I tried to check my registration status using my iPhone this morning, I received an error message.
It is vital that we work together to troubleshoot any issues for our own voting experiences and those of our Virginia Federation family. Please reach out immediately if you had, or are having, issues so that we can keep a record of them and find solutions in a timely manner. 

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