[NFBV-Potomac-Announce] Do you hear that annoying bouncing rolling sound?

Christine Grassman cfgrassman at icloud.com
Sat Mar 27 00:20:43 UTC 2021

That’s me. Dropping the Saturday matinee ball . . . after I could not find an audio-described 9 to 5. So, as I told some others, 9 to 5 must be deep-sixed.
I proposed Jackie the Zoommeister, that she must choose amoiung the three proposed replacements, since she must set it up and it is her computer that shall host the chosen flick. 
Now, be nice, and don’t bombard her with your preferences. Maybe if you’re really nice, she’ll choose your number-one pick.
I will send any of these to anyone who wants them. They are, again, only the audio tracks:
1. Love Actually
2. The Proposal
3. August: Osage County
This time around, wee agreed on lighter fare, because after the weighty matters of the movie last week, we needed a break. 

So . . . tomorrow at 1:00 PM, while I am pushing myself to do a hike, the most consequential outdoor exercise I’ve had in a year with my post-COVID, aching lump of humanity, (I’m talking about myself, not Gary), you all can gather round and enjoy the movie.
As usual, unless Jacki directs otherwise, the Zoom link will be the same as that used for our monthly meetings, and the one that has been used for the movies earlier this month. 

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