[NFBV-Potomac-Announce] Minutes August 2023 Potomac NFB Chapter Meeting

John Halverson jwh100 at outlook.com
Wed Sep 13 20:02:24 UTC 2023


Below are the minutes from the August 2023 Potomac NFB Chapter meeting.

John Halverson, Corresponding Secretary

National Federation of the Blind
Potomac Chapter
August 9, 2023

President Sandy Halverson called the meeting to order on Zoom at 7:00 PM. After establishing who had joined the meeting, Sandy asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the July meeting. Sean moved, and the minutes were approved.
Before voting on the treasurer's report, Sean told the chapter that the balance would not include the check paid for the wine tasting. John moved, and another member seconded to approve the treasurer's report. The treasurer's report was approved.
Sandy reminded the chapter that on August 17, the Fairfax chapter would be celebrating their 50th anniversary at Rita's Italian Ice. A number of members indicated that they would be attending, including Sandy and John and Christine.
Sandy then asked for suggestions for possible speakers who could address the chapter. John brought up the US Association of Blind Athletes and suggested we hear from their tandem biking group. Diana told the chapter about the book Country of the Blind and suggested we invite the author to speak with the chapter. She also told the chapter that his book might be an interesting topic for a philosophy discussion. John reminded everyone that the chapter book club will be meeting to discuss upcoming selections. The chapter continued to discuss the book The Country of the Blind by Andrew Leland. Christine thought the author shared an honest and realistic perspective of someone who goes blind later in his life, but she found the media coverage of the book to be problematic. She confirmed that the book is not yet on Bard. John agreed to send out some dates the chapter book club would meet.
Sandy opened a discussion of the state board meeting that occurred the Saturday before. She went over some of the items accomplished at the board meeting, such as the affiliate agreeing to assist in the funding of the museum and suggestions for the state convention agenda.
Sandy asked Sarah and Sean about their work gathering information for the bus the chapter will take to Williamsburg for the state convention. The chapter discussed how long the bus would take to get to Williamsberg and when it might leave on the Thursday before the convention.
John explained his thoughts on the presentation about the museum at the state board meeting. Pattie stated she was impressed that a blind person created cruise control, a fact that was disclosed during the state board meeting.
John described the upcoming membership seminar. After the seminar, the Halversons will treat the participants by grilling food for them.
Sandy announced that the Wine tasting will take place on Saturday, October 7th. Tracy has asked a whine expert to team up with Sharon to present a variety of blends to the chapter. The event will cost $50 and will feature cheeses and chocolates along with the wine. Tracy clarified that the event would occur at the Lion Village Community House, which holds around 50 people.
Tracy reminded the chapter to help organize group transportation for the state convention. He also asked everyone to provide their ideas for the state convention agenda. The chapter discussed the next steps for acquiring and funding the bus for state convention. Sean recommended that we collect a portion of the funds for a bus before we reserve it. Sandy indicated that the chapter calling committee would ask members if they planned to attend the state convention and how they wanted to get there.
Tracy described the process for applying to the new national leadership program. Anyone who wishes to apply should reach out to him. Applicants also need an additional affiliate president to recommend them for the program. The pilot program will be limited to 20 people, so the process will be extremely competitive.
Tracy then started a discussion of Blindness Equality Achievement Month in October. Several events are taking place this BEAM. One event, Tracy described, is a Braille road race, where blind people read street directions for drivers to use and navigate.
Sandy announced that the next chapter meeting will take place on the 8th of September at St. George's. She also announced a board meeting on Zoom on August 27th at 7:00 PM.
Sean also asked for someone to volunteer to collect money for the chapter on his behalf at the September meeting. Sandy agreed to find someone and ensure all the money is kept safe.
There was a motion to adjourn, and the meeting was adjourned around 8:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Julie A. McGinnity, Recording Secretary

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