[NFBV-Potomac-Announce] FW: [NFBV-Announce] 2024 National Convention: Join us in Orlando: Programs to support first timers!

John Halverson jwh100 at outlook.com
Sat Mar 2 16:10:27 UTC 2024

Hello Colleagues and Friends,

If you have never attended our exciting NFB convention, please join us. Below is information about possible financial assistance.

John Halverson, Corresponding Secretary
NFB Potomac Chapter

NFB  Convention: Join us in Orlando: Programs to support first timers!

Here is information about scholarships to  help with NFB convention expenses for first  time attendees.

From: Mary Durbin
NFBV McDonald Fellowship Chair and Kenneth Jernigan Scholarship Liaison

The 2024 NFB National Convention is an experience you do not want to miss.
Many of those who have attended our national NFB  conventions are amazed at how meeting and interacting with over 3000  other blind and low vision convention attendees has positively changed their  lives. They not only learn how the problems of vision loss can be overcome, but also experience the confidence that comes with solutions.

If you have never attended an in-person  convention, we offer two programs to assist you in attending the convention and getting the most from the experience.

A) McDonald  Fellowship  organized by the National Federation of the Blind of Virginia

B) Kenneth Jernigan Scholarship run by the National Federation of the Blind

You are strongly encouraged to apply for both. This message provides details on both programs.
A separate message will be distributed from Tracy Soforenko for assistance requests from individuals who   have attended previous in-person conventions.

A) McDonald Fellowship

Robert and Marian McDonald selflessly contributed to our Virginia affiliate to further the progress and better the lives of those who are blind, visually impaired, and low vision in Virginia. In their honor, we recognize the personal benefits that come to people who attend a national convention for the first time. In their memory, the National Federation of the Blind of Virginia (NFBV) continues their legacy of education and empowerment to Virginia's blind citizens.

We anticipate awarding fellowships to assist each recipient with costs of attending our 2024 NFB National Convention to be held in Orlando, Florida , from July 3- July 8. Please note: The banquet ends late in the evening of Monday, July 8 and fellowship winners are expected to attend the banquet so return travel must occur on Tuesday, July 9 or later. This event will take place at the Rosen Center Hotel in Orlando, Florida.

The  McDonald Fellowship program was established in 1998 to assist those who have never attended an in-person  convention of the National Federation of  the Blind (NFB) and wish to come to a convention this year.

Federationists are welcome and encouraged to apply for both the Virginia specific McDonald Fellowship and a National Kenneth Jernigan Scholarship.

We will link each of our Fellowship winners with mentors who will assist them in getting the most out of their national convention experience.  McDonald Fellowship winners are expected to attend the entire NFB convention and share their experiences by addressing our 2024 NFB of Virginia state convention.

Deadline for applications for the McDonald Fellowship is Monday, April 15, 2024.

Apply online at:


Winners will be announced May 15, 2024.

Your application should be submitted online. Our application form does not allow you to save your responses and come back so we recommend preparing your answers in advance and pasting the answers to the questions into the web form. The web form doesn’t support complex formatting such as bullet points and fonts so you should avoid this complex formatting.

Your online application materials should outline reasons why you should be considered for a Fellowship.  The online application requests the following:

A)      Name, Address, phone and email contact information
B)      Chapter or other connection  With the affiliate
C)      How you will benefit from the experience
D)     How you have participated with your chapter or the
         affiliate in the past year
E)      Any other pertinent details

In addition, you are required to contact your Chapter President or an affiliate Board Member for a letter of recommendation. Letters of recommendation are due by Monday, April 15, 2024. Recommendation letters should be sent to Mary Durbin.

Recommendation letters or questions about the Fellowship program should be sent to Mary Durbin, Chairman, McDonald Fellowship Committee, email at Mary Durbin (mrdurbin at cox.net<mailto:mrdurbin at cox.net>) and questions can be asked by phone at 757-472-2495.

Our committee wants to help you make 2024 the year you attend our national convention.  The convention will be even better because you were there.

B) Kenneth Jernigan Convention Scholarship


Jacki Bruce

Corresponding Secretary NFBV
mailto:jackibruce6 at gmail.com

Find us on Facebook @NationalFederationoftheBlindofVirginia
Find us on Instragram @nfbofvirginia
Subscribe to our Youtube: NFB Virginia

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