[NFBV-Richmond-Announce] May meeting

Domonique Lawless dlawless86 at gmail.com
Sun May 23 19:17:12 UTC 2021

Hi everyone,
Happy Sunday! I hope you are doing well. I just wanted to remind folks that we will be having our meeting tomorrow, May 24, at 6:30 PM. I look forward to seeing you all there. I am pasting the zoom information below as well as potential fundraising ideas which we will discuss during the meeting. I hope you have a great rest of the weekend!


Tracy Soforenko is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Richmond Dominique 
Time: May 24, 2021 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 829 725 6345
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Fundraising Ideas

1. Auctions

An auction that’s hosted virtually <https://www.classy.org/blog/host-a-successful-online-auction/> can increase your audience of potential bidders. The key to a successful virtual auction is twofold. On one hand, your nonprofit must take stock of your items, clearly define the rules for participants, set competitive bids, and promote the auction items in emails and on social media.
On the other hand, you can also use this as an opportunity to ask for donations throughout the event that are separate from the price of the auction items. This way, you can keep people engaged at times when they might drop off. For example, if someone is outbid on an item, you can suggest they donate the amount they would have paid to your organization directly.
If the Richmond chapter did this activity, we would need to determine if our members have items that folks would want outside our chapter.  For example, a signed first edition of a book written by a famous author or an original painting by a famous artist, etc.  We could do the auction in conjunction with one of our chapter meetings.
2. Endurance Events 

Many nonprofits who host regular endurance events—like the Cleveland Clinic VeloSano event, a stair climb, or a 5K—often incorporate a virtual fundraising component into their event even when they’re hosting it in-person. The formula is simple: you charge registration in the form of a donation and then the athlete completes the distance on their own.
If you’re going fully virtual, it’s crucial that you create engagement opportunities throughout the campaign. Have riders or racers start peer-to-peer fundraising pages to solicit their networks for support, ask them to share photos on social media with a hashtag, and send them branded gear that promotes your nonprofit while they race.
3.  A Race to the Top or See You at the Top Challenge.  Like the ice bucket challenge, individuals or teams would be challenged to choose a place that requires climbing stairs.  These individuals or teams could post their climbs and once they reach the top to social media and solicit donations for the NFB Richmond Chapter.
4.  An urban scavenger hunt.  Corporate or individual teams could sign up for this challenge to find items “hidden in plain sight” throughout the city of Richmond.  The team that finishes first wins, and we could give a prize to the most creatively named team.  Each team would pay an entrance fee to enter the scavenger hunt.
5. Comedy Events

At a time when in-person events are postponed, comedians are looking for opportunities to perform for audiences. Your nonprofit can secure comedy talent from local improv venues all the way up to nationally recognized names, and everything in between. This virtual fundraising event can be more than just a ticket purchase.
The Scleroderma Research Foundation hosts an annual comedy event called Cool Comedy, Hot Cuisine <https://support.srfcure.org/event/cool-comedy-hot-cuisine-2020/e293867>. When they pivoted to a fully virtual event, they moved all of their performers into the virtual space to deliver their performances as well. However, they enhanced the experience by folding in an online auction and gourmet food and wine boxes for purchase.
6.  Virtual raffle.  We could open this to anyone through social media.  It could be a 50/50 raffle.
7.  Host an online gaming tournament.  We could charge an entrance fee for corporate or individual teams to play virtual trivia games, Farkle, Jeopardy-like, etc.
8.  TED Talk Virtual event.
9.  Virtual cooking night.  Find a famous local chef who would do this event and charge for attendance.
10.  Sell candy bars from the World’s Finest Chocolate, etc.
11.  Sell containers of various types of Virginia Diner Peanuts, chocolate covered, etc.
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