[NFBV-Seniors] FW: August Meeting Notes

nfbv-seniors at nfbnet.org nfbv-seniors at nfbnet.org
Wed Sep 9 17:13:19 UTC 2020

Hi Seniors,


The August minutes are forwarded with this announcement,  thanks to
Secretary/Treasurer, Sandy Halverson.


Our September Seniors Division meeting will take place on Wednesday,
September 23 at 7:00 pm via Zoom.  Our primary agenda will be to finalize
plans for the October 28 Senior Seminar.


1.	Confirm speaker(s) and who will contact them. 
2.	Confirm items for Possibilities Fair and who will bring and briefly
describe each item.
3.	Any additional details.


Nancy Yeager, President,

NFBV Seniors Division


(703) 283-2524

Nancyyeager542 at comcast.net <mailto:Nancyyeager542 at comcast.net> 



National Federation of the Blind of Virginia Seniors Division Call

August 26, 2020


Our meeting was called to order by President Yeager at 7 p.m. with 11
participants including the president of our NFB of Georgia seniors division.


Several suggestions were made when discussing state convention presentations
of interest to all members.  


1.	If there is a Virginia participant in our national seniors division
virtual retreat and found the experience worthwhile, people might want to
hear about it.
2.	Senior Americorps or AARP.
3.	Kim's presentation on health and wellness
4.	Seniors relocating from state to state as individuals or with family
5.	Peggy Chong with a Blind History Lady presentation about a blind
Virginian.  The consensus was that we should propose a Peggy Chong
presentation for one of our state convention general sessions.


Our 2020 seniors division meeting will take place Wednesday, October 28 from
7 to 9 p.m. and we will not meet on Saturday afternoon.  We will have a
brief business meeting which will include elections and the focus of our
September meeting will be to plan speakers and identify volunteers to make
contact.  It was also suggested that we consider a virtual possibilities
fair where a variety of devices could be demonstrated to include sound and
speech quality, the purpose of the item, how it works and the item vendor.
Wanda volunteered to record item and vendor information and send to Nancy
for distribution to our list.  


Before adjourning at 8 p.m., it was agreed that notes from the August
meeting would be sent to Nancy for distribution to members for further
discussion at our September meeting.


Respectfully submitted,

Sandy Halverson

Recording Secretary




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