[NFBV-Seniors] 2021 Retreat agenda.docx

nancyyeager542 at comcast.net nancyyeager542 at comcast.net
Thu Jul 29 15:48:06 UTC 2021

Last evening’s meeting got off to a challenging start.  Thanks, Jacki and your crew for moving our folks to the breakout room.  We missed those of you who weren’t able to join us.  


Attached and below is the retreat agenda that Karen and Patty discussed last evening.  It will be virtual again this year.  The dates are:  September 19-25.  The Retreat Agenda is attached and below.


The primary topic for our August meeting is the Senior Seminar at State Convention.


Nancy Yeager, President

NFBV Seniors Division


(703) 283-2524


Nancyyeager542 at comcast.net <mailto:Nancyyeager542 at comcast.net> 





September 19-25 2021




Sunday, September 19, 2021 

4:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time. All times will be listed as such. 

Meet; Greet; Gather; Overview of the week. What are  nonvisual techniques and who can use them? NFB philosophy using the term "blind". Presenter: Ruth Sager, President NFB Senior Division 


Monday September 20, 2021

12:00 PM EDT. Cane Travel—Lead Instructor, Winford Haynes,  NOMC. Topic: What the Cane Can Do For You! Why such a long cane? Different kinds of canes. Proper length for your height. Techniques for holding, gripping and using the long, rigid cane.  


1:00 PM EDT. Daily Living Skills and Techniques—Lead Instructors, Shelley Coppel and Judy Sanders. Topic: Cooking with Shelley; "Step by Step Dinner Preparations." 


2:00 PM EDT. Break. Divide into smaller groups; ask questions; make comments. 


3:00 PM EDT.  Technology—Lead Instructor, Jane Degenshein. Topic: ⠀⠊⠠⠏⠓⠐⠕ Basics—Tips and Tricks. Presenter, Steve Cook.  


4:00 PM EDT. Information and Guest Speakers—lead Instructor, Glenn Crosby. Topic: Shopping online, in-person.


Tuesday, September 21, 2021

12:00 PM EDT. Cane Travel—Lead Instructor, Winford Haynes,  NOMC; Topic: Indoor Travel; Finding Landmarks; Using  cardinal Directions; Arcing  cane; Noting sounds, echoes  floor textures. 


1:00 PM EDT. Daily Living and Skills Techniques- Lead Instructors, Shelley Coppel and Judy Sanders. Laundry; LABELING Clothing, Color Identifiers.   Presenter Katie Keim. 


2:00 PM EDT. Break. Ask questions; make comments; divide into smaller groups for socializing. 


3:00 PM EDT.  Technology—Lead Instructor, Jane Degenshein. Topic: Focusing on Independent Living Using Instacart and Walmart for Grocery Shopping and Product Delivery to your Door. Uber and Lyft for Independent Travel; Be My Eyes When Sighted Assistance Is Required. Presenter, Michael Lauf.   


4:00 PM EDT. Guest Speakers—Lead Instructor, Glenn Crosby. Accessible Pharmacy: Presenters: Andy Burstein, Alex Cohen and Alexandra Luzier. Topic: The mission, the services available and how Accessible Pharmacy started.  


Wednesday, September 22, 2021 

12:00 PM EDT. Cane Travel—Lead Instructor, Winford Haynes NOMC. Topic: Outdoor Travel: Sound cues, using the sun for cardinal Directions; Traffic Flow; Entering Buildings.  


1:00 PM EDT.  Daily Living Skills and Techniques—Lead Instructors, Shelley Coppel and Judy Sanders. Topic: The Printed Word, Presenter, Frank Loza and Others.  

2:00 PM EDT.  Break. Ask questions; make comments; divide into smaller groups. 

3:00 PM EDT.  Technology—Lead Instructor, Jane Degenshein. Topic: What's New with NLS including Newsline, Digital Book Player. Presenters: Adam Sczcepaniak and Christian Riehl, New Jersey State Library Talking Book and Braille Center.  


4:00 PM EDT.  Guest speaker—Lead Instructor, Glenn Crosby.  Topic: Maintaining healthy lifestyle as we age.  Presenter, Lynn Baillif, Diabetic Educator and Nutritionalist. 


THURSDAY, September 23, 2021

12:00 PM EDT.  Cane Travel—Lead Instructor, Winford Haynes, NOMC. Topic: Crossing Streets with lights, with Stop Signs, with No Markings. Shorelining curbs, sidewalk.  


1:00 PM EDT.  Daily Living Skills and Techniques—Lead Instructors, Shelley Coppel and Judy Sanders. Clean Sweep: Cleaning The House, Presenter, Shannon Cook.  

2:00 PM EDT. Break.  Ask  questions; make comments; divide into smaller groups. 

3:00 PM EDT.  Technology—Lead Instructor, Jane Degenshein Topic: Accessibility Settings and SIRIs Value. Presenter, Matt Volbrecht.  


4:00 PM EDT  Guest speaker- Lead Instructor, Glenn Crosby.  Topic: Home Maintenance and Repairs. Presenter, Georhe Wurtzel, blind craftsman and furniture maker who owned and operated a remodeling business.  


Friday, September 24, 2021

12:00 PM EDT.  Cane Travel—Lead Instructor, Winford Haynes, NOMC. Topic: Cane Traveling on Public Transportation—Stowing the Cane, finding a Seat, Standing on Subways, Air Travel?  


1:00 PM EDT. Daily Living Skills and Techniques—Lead Instructors, Shelley Coppel and Judy Sanders. "Finish The Dinner," with Shelley Coppel. 


2:00 PM EDT.  Break. Ask questions, make comments; divide into smaller groups. 


3:00 PM EDT.  Technology—Lead Instructor, Jane Degenshein. Topic: Having Fun with Alexa. Presenter, Jerry Moreno.  

4:00  PM EDT.  Guest Speakers— Lead Instructor, Glenn Crosby. Topic:  Hadley Institute for the Blind and the Free Classes They Offer. Presenter Marc Arneson, Director of Community Hadley Institute.    


Saturday, September 25, 2021

1:00 PM EDT. Final Rap up! Ask questions. Share ideas. Conclude by 2:30 PM. 



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